Upgrade your PPC strategies at scale
If last 7 days:
<10% ACOS and
<10% TOS impressions
Increase bids by 50%
Observe change for 4 days
If last 30 days:
<15% conversion and
>$10 spent
Adjust bids to 20% ACOS
Cap bids to $2.10
Else if last 90 days:
>20 clicks and
0 sales
Pause keywords
Automation limited only by your imagination
Craft intricate workflows, stack multiple rules, shape traffic with multiple levers, and customize strategies to fit specific campaign goals.
Precise and granular control on automation
Unlock the powerhouse metrics
fueling sales success!
Uncover correlations and insights on how pricing, advertising strategies, and promotions drive your organic sales.

It's your superhero of optimization
Save thousands of hours
Templatize, customize, and automate your strategies like a boss!
Boost traffic and organic sales
Turn actionable insights into scalable and sustainable profits.
Maximise profits by slashing costs
Splice and dice and ban bad traffic at scale.

Unleash powerful algorithms working 24/7 to expand your competitive moat
No credit card required
Scale automation workflow with templates across your existing SP, SB, or SD ads
Unthinkable transparency across each step
Preview upcoming changes
See upcoming changes before the algorithms execute them.
Review algorithm computations
View step-by-step calculations for each algorithm.
Audit automation changes
Review historical changes to enhance operational efficiency.

Scale elastically with thousands of new campaigns with automations in seconds
Best price / performance
Every pricing plan includes:
You can stack as many algorithms as needed to craft your PPC strategy.
Your algorithms have the capability to make unlimited adjustments.
Gain access to powerful Ads Insights, Mass campaigns and Sales analytics with every plan.
ASIN quantity in your account doesn't matter. Pay only for the ones you automate.
- Mass campaigns
- Ads insights
- Sales insights
- Mass campaigns
- Ads insights
- Sales insights
- Mass campaigns
- Ads insights
- Sales insights
- Mass campaigns
- Ads insights
- Sales insights
- Mass campaigns
- Ads insights
- Sales insights
- Mass campaigns
- Ads insights
- Sales insights
- Mass campaigns
- Ads insights
- Sales insights
- Unlimited automated ASINs for just 1% of monthly ad spend.
Client voices: Scale Insights reviews
Frequently asked questions
Ask your questionWe also take security seriously. We store your data with a leading database provider secured by industry standards. We will also delete your data entirely after account deactivation.
For example, if you have 10 products each in USA, UK, and Canada, but you only want to automate 1 ASIN in USA, the same ASIN in UK, and another ASIN in Canada, you will need 3 automated ASINs.
You can always reassign the automated ASIN to another ASIN at any time.
Assign pre-set (and customizable) rules to your existing Ad Groups, and the automation will start working on your Ads.
We automate your strategy execution and make improvements based on past performance. We can remove bleeding keywords and get more traffic to performing keywords.
However, your result also depends on factors like your product listing, product quality, your competitors, and conversion.
If a keyword converts well, we will gradually raise the bids to drive more sales. However, if it performs poorly, we will gradually reduce the bids to minimize loss, reducing traffic, and cost.