A9 Algorithm on Amazon: How Products Rank in the Marketplace

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a9 algorithm amazon

If you want to boost your products' visibility on Amazon, understanding the "A9 algorithm on Amazon" is essential. As the core system behind Amazon's search rankings, the A9 algorithm decides how products are listed based on what customers are likely to buy.

As an Amazon seller or marketer, you're in the right place to learn about the A9 algorithm's impact on product visibility and sales. This algorithm assesses factors like keywords, sales history, pricing, and customer feedback to determine search rankings.

Our guide will break down how the A9 algorithm prioritizes these elements to connect customers with the products they're most inclined to purchase, facilitating a shopping experience that's both personalized and predictive.

Understanding the A9 Algorithm

To effectively navigate Amazon's marketplace, it's crucial to grasp how the A9 Algorithm affects product visibility and sales performance.

Basics of A9

The A9 Algorithm is Amazon's proprietary search engine mechanism that dictates how products are presented to customers after they perform a search query. In essence, it evaluates two primary aspects:

  • Relevance: How well a product matches the customer's search query.

  • Performance: The likelihood of the product being purchased, gauging factors such as historical sales, customer reviews, and pricing.

The process is straightforward yet intricate:

  1. The algorithm initially scans Amazon's product database to extract items related to the search query.

  2. It then ranks these products based on a combination of relevance and performance metrics.

By maintaining a high level of relevance to search queries and achieving strong performance indicators, your products are more likely to appear in prominent positions within search results, thus enhancing their visibility.

How A9 Differs From Google Search

The A9 Algorithm and Google's search engine have a core function in common: to provide users with the most relevant search results for their queries. However, the emphasis and factors taken into account by these systems differ significantly.

A9 Algorithm

Google Search

Primarily designed to maximize sales on Amazon's platform

Aims to deliver the most relevant and useful information across the web

Focuses on sales metrics such as conversion rates

Broad focus on content quality and authority

Conversion-driven with an e-commerce focus

Information-driven with a broader intent

While Google prioritizes a vast range of quality signals and user experience factors, the A9 Algorithm is calibrated more towards directly generating sales. This involves prioritizing listings that have proven sales records, competitive pricing, and other sales-related metrics.

Understanding this fundamental difference, you can tailor your Amazon SEO strategy to align with the unique priorities of the A9 Algorithm.

Key Elements of A9 Ranking

Amazon's A9 algorithm dictates product visibility in search results, and understanding its two core components is crucial for your success. These are Relevance Factors and Performance Factors, each playing a significant role in where your product stands.

How Amazon A9 Algorithm Works | How To Rank Products On The First Page On Amazon

Relevance Factors

Relevance is the backbone of product searchability on Amazon. The formula for increasing relevance includes the following:

  • Keyword optimization: You must ensure your product listings contain relevant keywords that potential customers are likely to use during their search.

  • Title and description match: Your product titles and descriptions should accurately reflect the product, matching what buyers are searching for.

Here's a quick guide to what counts as relevant:


Why It's Important


Should integrate main keywords for best exposure.


Highlight key product features using keywords.

Search Terms

Backend keywords lend clarity to product relevance.

Performance Factors

Performance directly impacts ranking through elements such as:

  • Conversion rate: Products that more frequently turn clicks into purchases rank higher.

  • Sales velocity: Consistent sales over time signal product popularity and push rankings up.

  • Sales history: A solid track record of satisfying customer demand boosts your product's ranking.

Consider these points for monitoring performance:

  • Focus on enhancing clicks and conversions by optimizing images and providing clear, convincing product features.

  • Keep an eye on sales trends to maintain a steady sales velocity that benefits your ranking.

  • Work on your brand's reputation and customer feedback, as they indirectly affect your sales history and, in turn, your A9 ranking.

Optimizing Product Listings for A9

A laptop displaying Amazon's A9 algorithm, surrounded by product data and keywords

When selling on Amazon, optimizing your product listings for the A9 algorithm is essential for visibility and success.

Carefully crafting your listing elements like keywords, titles, descriptions, and backend keywords significantly influences how well your products perform in search results.

Keyword Optimization

Keywords are the foundation of A9 optimization. It's crucial that you integrate relevant keywords into your product title, description, and bullet points.

To identify these keywords, consider the terms customers use when searching for your product.

Begin by incorporating these keywords naturally into the title to grasp immediate attention.

In descriptions and bullet points, focus on highlighting the features and benefits of your product, weaving keywords throughout to maintain readability and relevance.

Product Title and Description

Your product title should balance keyword richness with clarity.

The title is the first thing customers see, and it should succinctly communicate what the product is while utilizing high-value keywords.

Keep your title under 200 characters for optimal indexing.

As for your product description, it should offer a detailed account of the product, rich with keywords but primarily designed for customer understanding.

Use this space to expand on the features and how they benefit the user, structuring the content with bullet points to aid skimmability.

Also, read our guide on how to optimize your product listings and titles.

Also related: How to Optimize Your Amazon Product Listing for Mobile

Backend Keywords

Backend keywords are hidden from shoppers but are integral to the A9 algorithm.

These are the search terms you want your listing to be associated with but couldn't fit naturally in the visible listing.

Limited to 250 bytes, choose these keywords wisely without repeating any words used in the title or bullet points.

The goal is to cover all relevant variations and common misspellings that can lead to your product.

Enhancing Visibility Through Content

To successfully navigate the Amazon marketplace, your product listings must incorporate compelling content that stands out.

High-quality images and informative A+ content are key components to increasing your products' visibility.

Importance of High-Quality Images

Using high-quality images is essential for your product listings.

Amazon's search algorithm favors listings with clear, high-resolution images because they improve customer experience.

Ensure your images are at least 1000 pixels in height or width to enable the zoom feature, giving customers a closer look at product details.

This visual clarity can lead to better engagement and, consequently, higher conversion rates, which can positively influence your ranking on Amazon.

  • Image Tips:

    • Resolution: Minimum of 1000 pixels on the longest side for zoom functionality

    • Quantity: Use the maximum number of images allowed by Amazon to show your product from various angles

    • Quality: Images should be in focus, professionally lit, and display the product accurately

Using A+ Content and EBC

A+ Content (formerly known as Enhanced Brand Content or EBC) is a feature available to Brand Registered sellers. It allows you to enhance your product descriptions with rich text and images.

A+ Content can increase sales by helping customers make informed decisions through comparative charts, expanded FAQs, and more visual storytelling.

  • A+ Content Guidelines:

    • Narrative: Use a cohesive story for your brand that resonates with your audience.

    • Features: Highlight the key features of your product through custom text placements and high-quality images.

Incorporating A+ Content not only enriches the shopping experience but also can lead to higher search rankings within Amazon's evolving algorithms, including the speculated A10 update.

Remember, while A+ Content significantly enhances your listings, adherence to Amazon's guidelines in creating trustworthy and relevant content remains paramount.

Pricing and Availability

Understanding how pricing and availability influence your product's rankings on Amazon is critical for your success on the platform.

The A9 algorithm has specific ways of interpreting these factors, with pricing strategies directly impacting your visibility and inventory management playing a key role in maintaining it.

Effect of Pricing on Rankings

Your product pricing is not just a number; it's a factor that Amazon's A9 algorithm evaluates in the context of the marketplace.

Products priced competitively may rank higher in search results for relevant queries. Here's what you should keep in mind about pricing:

  • Competitive Pricing: The A9 algorithm compares your product's price to similar items. To optimize rankings, ensure your pricing is not significantly higher than competitors.

  • Discounts: Temporary price reductions can make your product more attractive and may influence visibility positively.

Inventory Management

The quantity of your available stock plays into how the A9 algorithm ranks your products.

Here is a straightforward approach to maintaining adequate inventory levels:

  • Inventory Availability: Ensure consistent stock levels to avoid disappearing from search rankings due to unavailability.

  • Replenishment Strategy: Regular inventory reviews and timely replenishment help maintain visibility and prevent stockouts, which can hurt your rankings.

Customer-Centric Factors

When considering the A9 Algorithm, it's critical to focus on factors that affect the customer's shopping experience.

These factors play a substantial role in how products are ranked, reflecting both relevance and buyer behavior.

Reviews and Ratings

Reviews and ratings are significant indicators of a product's quality and popularity. These components directly influence purchase intent:

  • Quality of Reviews: Detailed and positive reviews can enhance a product's visibility.

  • Volume of Reviews: A higher number of reviews can signal a trustworthy product to potential buyers.

  • Average Rating: Products with higher average ratings are more likely to have better placement in search results.

Optimizing for Customer Experience

Optimizing for customer experience means ensuring that every element of your product listing addresses the customer's needs and search queries:

  • Relevance: Your product titles, descriptions, and features should clearly match the search intent of the potential buyer.

  • Search Terms: Integrate specific and relevant keywords naturally into your content to align with what customers are searching for.

By focusing on reviews and ratings and optimizing for customer experience, your product aligns more closely with the customer-centric approach of the A9 Algorithm, potentially boosting your product's ranking on Amazon.

External Factors Influencing A9

When optimizing your Amazon product listings, it's important to acknowledge the role external factors play in the A9 algorithm. Your understanding of these factors can have a significant impact on your visibility in the marketplace.

Advertising and Promotions

Sponsored advertising campaigns play a critical role in how the A9 algorithm perceives your product. When you invest in advertisements on Amazon, you are not only boosting visibility directly but also potentially improving your organic search ranking. It works like this:

  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC): These campaigns can lead to higher sales, which the A9 algorithm interprets as a positive signal.

  • Promotional Discounts: Limited-time offers can increase sales velocity, another factor that may influence your product ranking.

As you amplify your presence through advertising, remember to maintain a balance and track your campaign's effectiveness using tools like Scale Insights.

Amazon sellers should consider using Scale Insights to measure the true impact of their advertising efforts, ensuring a balance between spend and return. This tool offers analytics that can guide you to optimize campaigns and scale your business wisely.

External Traffic and Its Impact

Bringing in traffic from outside Amazon can be just as important as managing the on-platform factors. Here's why:

  • Backlinks: Links from reputable websites to your Amazon listings can bring in high-quality traffic, suggesting to A9 that your product is trustworthy and relevant.

  • Social Media and Influencers: Sharing your listings on social media or collaborating with influencers can drive external traffic, which may positively affect your ranking.

Effectively directing external traffic to your Amazon product pages suggests that your items are preferred choices for shoppers, potentially improving your product's position in the marketplace.

Remember to track where your traffic is coming from and how it converts, as high traffic with low conversion can indicate misalignment with customer intent.

Analyzing Competition on Amazon

To effectively compete on Amazon, it's crucial for you to understand the landscape and utilize the right tools for competitive analysis.

Understanding Your Competition

Comprehending your competitors' strategies on Amazon involves scrutinizing their product listings, pricing, customer reviews, and overall performance. It is imperative to monitor high-performing ASINs and learn from their best practices. Look for patterns in their sales velocity, which can be indicative of successful tactics.

  • Examine product titles and descriptions to evaluate keyword usage.

  • Customer reviews can provide insights into strengths and perceived weaknesses.

Competitive Analysis Tools

Several tools can streamline your competitive analysis process on Amazon, giving you a significant advantage:

  • Jungle Scout Extension: Integrates with your Amazon browser to deliver real-time data on products during browsing.

  • Helium 10: Offers a suite of tools, including product research, keyword research, and competitive analysis features.

  • Sonar: Provides a free Amazon keyword research tool that helps to discover keywords your competitors are using.

For each tool:

  • Ease of Use: Analyze user interfaces and accessibility.

  • Data Accuracy: Ensure the reliability of the data provided.

  • Feature Set: Consider the variety of features like keyword tracker, profit estimator, and inventory level monitoring.

  • Engage with tools that aid in identifying and tracking competitors' pricing strategies and inventory levels.

Advanced Strategies and Tools

To effectively optimize your listings and gain visibility on Amazon, it's essential to leverage advanced strategies and integrate powerful tools that are designed to enhance how you interact with Amazon's A9 algorithm.

Machine Learning and A9

The A9 algorithm incorporates machine learning to evaluate and rank products. Your understanding of this system should include knowledge of algorithms like gradient boosted trees, which can predict rankings by learning from data. To align with machine learning, you should ensure your listings are optimized for relevance and customer satisfaction, as these metrics feed into the A9's continual learning process.

Keyword Tracking and Analysis Tools

An array of keyword tracking and analysis tools exist to support your strategy. With these tools, you can track keywords related to your products and their performance over time. Accurate tracking enables you to adjust your strategy based on search trends and the competitive landscape.

  • Keyword Search: Tools that provide insights into search volume and competition for specific keywords help you prioritize your keyword targets.

  • Analysis: By analyzing data, you can refine your listings with keywords that have a proven track record for driving conversions.


To succeed on Amazon, it's essential to grasp the A9 Algorithm that shapes how your products are seen by customers. Optimizing your listings and staying current with A9's updates are key to boosting sales.

Focus on using the right keywords, showcase your product with great images and descriptions, encourage good reviews, and aim for strong sales. Keep refining your approach to align with the algorithm's latest changes for the best visibility.

Frequently Asked Questions on Amazon's A9 Algorithm

What is the algorithm of A+ search?

The term "A+ search" is not commonly associated with a specific algorithm. If you're referring to Amazon's search algorithm, then you might be thinking of the A9 algorithm, which is designed to rank products in search results based on relevance to the user's search terms and the product's performance metrics.

Is A9 owned by Amazon?

Yes, the A9 algorithm is owned by Amazon. It was developed by A9.com, Inc., a subsidiary of Amazon that was founded in 2003. The A9 algorithm is a proprietary technology that powers product search and advertising placements on Amazon's e-commerce platform.

When did Amazon start using algorithms?

Amazon has been utilizing algorithms since its early days to personalize recommendations and search results. However, the A9 algorithm, more specifically, came into play around 2003 with the establishment of A9.com, Inc.

What affects Amazon ranking?

Amazon ranking is influenced by a combination of factors related to relevance and performance. This includes the use of relevant keywords, product price, customer reviews and ratings, product availability, fulfillment methods, and sales history, among others. 

All these factors work together to determine a product's visibility in search results and its overall ranking on the platform.

What is the A10 algorithm on Amazon?

The A10 algorithm is rumored to be an update or evolution of Amazon's A9 algorithm, although Amazon has not officially confirmed the details.

Speculation suggests that the A10 algorithm continues to prioritize customer behavior and satisfaction, with possible increased emphasis on factors like seller authority, click-through rates, and quality content over sponsored content and external traffic.

The core principle remains the same: delivering relevant, high-quality search results to improve customer experience and drive sales.