Amazon Backend Keywords to Optimize Your Listings: 2024 Guide

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Amazon Backend Keywords to Optimize Your Listings: 2024 Guide

Effectively using backend keywords is critical to improve product visibility on Amazon. These unseen keywords help optimize your listings and match customer searches. They are crucial for optimizing your product listings and connecting with what customers are searching for.

If you're struggling to improve your Amazon product visibility, understanding backend keywords is the key.

With a limited 500-byte space, choosing the most relevant and impactful keywords is important. Luckily, this guide will show you how to use backend keywords wisely.

Read on to learn how to stand out in Amazon's vast marketplace and turn your products into best-sellers.

What Are Amazon Backend Keywords?

Backend keywords on Amazon refer to the search terms you input in your product listings' backend section. These are the words that your potential buyers don't see but play an important role in making your products discoverable.

They are a hidden strategy to associate your listings with relevant searches without overcrowding the visible content.

For instance, if you're selling a spill-proof travel mug, aside from the prominent keywords used in the title, bullet points, and description, you can use backend keywords like a leak-resistant coffee container to capture more search queries. 

Before, each seller had a limit of 250 bytes for these keywords. Now, Amazon updated the limit to 500 bytes, so use the limit wisely to boost your product with backend keywords.

Be strategic and select keywords that are closely related to your product and have a high potential to be searched by customers.

Also, avoid repetition. If you've already mentioned spill-proof in your listing's visible content, there's no need to include it again in the backend. Every byte should be used to broaden your search net, not to repeat what's already there.

Benefits of Backend Keywords

Maximizing Keyword Coverage: You undoubtedly have a list of valuable keywords from your research. Using backend keywords, you can include those that didn't make it into your front-end content. This ensures you cover as many relevant search queries as possible without overstuffing your product title or bullet points.

Visibility in Search Results: Backend keywords are crucial in making your product appear in search queries. Adding these keywords can enhance your product's visibility, as Amazon’s search algorithm considers them when indexing your product.

Efficient Use of Space: You’re limited to 500 bytes for backend keywords. Choosing the right ones allows you to make the most of this space. Use it to target high-impact keywords that connect shoppers to your product.

Avoiding Repetition: Be mindful not to repeat any keywords already visible in your listing's title or bullet points. Your backend keywords are valuable for introducing new terms that further describe your product and can help you stand out from the competition.

For instance, if you're selling a 'waterproof digital camera,' your front-end might include terms like “durable” and “high-resolution.” Your backend keywords can then include “underwater photography,” “action camera,” and “travel-friendly,” capturing a wider audience without keyword stuffing your visible copy.

How to Find the Correct Amazon Backend Keywords for Your Listing

Discovering and implementing the right backend keywords is essential when optimizing your Amazon product listings. These are terms that customers don't see but are instrumental in enhancing your product's discoverability. Here are ways to finding the right backend keywords for your Amazon listing:

1. Start With Thorough Keyword Research

To optimize your product listings on Amazon, it is essential to start with thorough keyword research. This provides you with a solid foundation, ensuring that your products are visible to the right customers. Here's how you can conduct effective keyword research for your Amazon backend keywords:

Use Up-to-Date Keyword Research Tools

Amazon Search Term Report: This tool provides insights into the search terms that customers use when looking for products like yours on Amazon. The Search Term Report has been updated to give even more detailed data, including seasonality trends, which can help you optimize your keywords throughout the year.

Top Search Term Report: This report identifies the highest-ranking search terms within your product category. This can also help you discover emerging search trends to adjust your keyword strategy accordingly.

AI-Powered Keyword Tools: Several third-party AI-powered tools offer predictive analysis based on machine learning algorithms. They analyze vast amounts of data to forecast which keywords could become popular. Take advantage of these tools to stay ahead of keyword trends.

Competitor Analysis Tools: These tools can help you reverse-engineer the keyword strategy of top-performing products like yours. You can uncover valuable keywords you might have missed by analyzing competitors' listings.

Consider Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific keyword phrases that visitors are likely to use closer to the point of purchase. It's important to balance the prominent high-competition keywords with long-tail keywords that might have less search volume but higher conversion rates due to their specificity.

Including phrases such as “stainless steel French press for camping” can connect you with a specific audience.

Keep an Eye on Voice Search

As voice-activated assistants like Amazon's Alexa continue to gain popularity, it's crucial to include natural language phrases and questions in your keyword strategy. These types of queries tend to be longer and more conversational than typed searches.

Localize and Translate for International Markets

If you're selling in multiple countries on Amazon, ensure your keyword research includes localization for each specific market. Utilize translation and localization services to adapt your keywords to the language and cultural nuances of each region.

Refine and Update Regularly

Keyword trends can change rapidly. Make it a regular practice to review and update your keywords. Amazon's A9 search algorithm also evolves, so staying informed about the latest changes will help you adjust your strategy to maintain high visibility.

Follow Amazon's Guidelines

Lastly, ensure you adhere to Amazon's SEO practices and guidelines for using backend keywords. These include not exceeding the character limit for backend search terms, avoiding keyword stuffing, and not including competitor brand names or misleading information.

2. Focus on Relevance

Choose backend keywords that are highly relevant to your product but that aren’t already mentioned in the front-end listing.

For instance, if you're selling a ‘waterproof backpack,’ your front-end may already include features like “durable” or “large capacity.” For backend keywords, consider related terms like “rainproof rucksack” or “hiking backpack.”

Also, avoid keyword repetition as Amazon's algorithm doesn't require repeat keywords for a search term to be effective, so there’s no need to list “scarf” multiple times. If your title is "Warm Winter Scarf for Women," there’s no need to repeat "scarf" in the backend keywords. Rather, include variations or synonyms like “neck warmer” or “pashmina.”

How To Optimize Listings With Amazon Backend Keywords

Here's how to enhance your listings with these hidden but powerful terms:

  1. Conduct Keyword Research: Identify a robust list of keywords through research. These are the terms potential customers use when searching for products like yours.

  2. Prioritize Vital Keywords: From your list, prioritize keywords essential to your product but aren't in your visible listings. Amazon limits you to 500 bytes for backend keywords, so choose wisely.

  3. Access Backend Section: Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account. Find the listing you wish to optimize and click on "Edit." Navigate to the "Keywords" tab.

  4. Enter Your Keywords: In the search terms field, input your selected backend keywords. Remember, there is no need to repeat any visible keywords from your title or bullet points. Be concise.

  5. Use Logical Phrasing: Consider how your keywords can be logically combined without using commas (e.g., if your product is a waterproof camera bag, use "waterproof camera bag outdoor photography").

  6. Avoid Special Characters: Stick to simple characters (A-Z, 0-9), as special characters can take up more space, reducing the total number of keywords you can include.

  7. Continuous Optimization: Regularly review and update your backend keywords based on performance data and keyword trend changes.

How the Amazon Algorithm Works

The Amazon algorithm, known as A9, is the underlying system that determines which products to show customers based on their search queries. It considers many factors, with backend keywords being one of them. 

When choosing your backend keywords, imagine the various ways a customer might seek out your product. If you're selling natural dog treats, think beyond those exact words.

Shoppers might use terms like healthy pet snacks or organic dog biscuits. These are perfect candidates for your backend keyword space as they capture variations of customer searches, thus improving your chances of appearing in a wider array of search results without compromising the readability of your public listing.

Monitoring and Updating Backend Keywords

To keep your Amazon listings performing at their best, monitoring the effectiveness of your backend keywords and updating them accordingly is crucial. This helps to maintain visibility and competitiveness in the marketplace. Here are ways on how to monitor them:

Tracking Keyword Performance

To assess the impact of your backend keywords, track your product’s ranking for each term. Tools like Amazon’s brand analytics, third-party software, or even manual searches can help you gauge your keywords' performance.

For example, if you sell yoga mats, check periodically where your product appears in search results for keywords like "eco-friendly yoga mat." It might be time to adjust your keywords if it's not ranking high.

When to Update Your Keywords

Keywords should be updated when they do not drive expected traffic or sales. Factors such as seasonality, changing market trends, or adding new competitors might necessitate a review of your keyword strategy.

After the holidays, "gift" related keywords may become less effective. That's when you replace them with more relevant ones for the current season, like "spring yoga essentials."


Backend keywords are your key to unlocking hidden potential on Amazon, serving as invisible yet powerful enhancers of product discoverability. Strategic choice and placement can increase your listings in Amazon's search results. Appropriately using these keywords can differentiate a common listing from a sales phenomenon.

And if you're seeking further advancement, our Amazon PPC plans can amplify your success. Discover our PPC solutions to stand out in the marketplace truly.

Frequently Asked Questions on Amazon Backend Keywords

1. How do you know if a backend keyword is indexed?

You can test simply to confirm if a backend keyword is indexed. Search for your product on Amazon using the backend keyword you've added.

A particular keyword is indexed if your product appears in the search results. Note that new keywords may take time to index, so consider waiting a few days before testing.

2. What tools are recommended for finding and managing Amazon backend keywords?

Several keyword research tools, such as Helium 10, Jungle Scout, and Keyword Tool, are available. These tools can provide valuable insights into popular search terms and help you manage your backend keywords efficiently. They also track your indexing status and suggest improvements.