Amazon Choice vs Best Seller: Differences & Impact on Sales

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Amazon Choice vs Best Seller

Navigating the competitive landscape of Amazon can be daunting for sellers aiming to stand out. Two elusive badges have the power to significantly impact your product visibility and sales: "Amazon's Choice" and "Best Seller." But what sets them apart, and how can they affect your business?

This article is crafted for sellers looking to decode Amazon's labeling system. We'll break down the criteria for earning these tags, and provide insights on how they can influence buyer decisions and boost your product's success. Understanding the difference is a strategic necessity for any seller serious about conquering the Amazon marketplace.

Join us as we demystify these Amazon accolades and help you aim for these badges in your selling strategy. 

Understanding the Amazon’s Choice Badge

A prominent "Amazon Choice" badge next to a product, overshadowing a smaller "Best Seller" badge

As an Amazon seller, grasping the concept of the Amazon’s Choice badge can be a game changer for your product's visibility and sales. This badge is more than just a label—it's a sign of trust and quality that can influence customer purchasing decisions.

So, what does it take for your product to earn this badge? Here are some key factors:

  1. Relevance: Your product must be closely related to the search query. Keywords are essential here, and it's crucial to optimize your listings for search relevance.

  2. Availability: Amazon favors products that are readily available. Keeping your inventory well-stocked is vital to retaining the badge once earned.

  3. Price: Competitive pricing can also influence the awarding of the Amazon’s Choice badge. It doesn’t necessarily mean the cheapest option, but rather the best value for money.

  4. Ratings and Reviews: A high number of positive ratings and reviews can significantly improve your chances of receiving the badge. Amazon wants to ensure that its Choice is well regarded by actual users.

  5. Return Rate: Products with lower return rates indicate customer satisfaction, which Amazon takes seriously when assigning the badge.

  6. Shipping: Fast and reliable shipping options are preferred. In many cases, products using Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) have a higher chance of earning the badge.

It's important to note that the Amazon’s Choice badge is dynamic and can shift from one product to another based on performance and customer behavior. Consistent optimization and monitoring of your product listings are essential to achieving and maintaining this status.

For sellers, the Amazon’s Choice badge is not just an indicator of quality but also an optimization target that, if achieved, can significantly enhance product discoverability and trustworthiness on the platform.

Understanding Amazon’s Best Seller Rankings

Understanding and climbing the Best Seller Rankings can dramatically increase your product's exposure and sales potential. The Best Seller list is more than a pat on the back—it's a powerful testament to your product's popularity and sales performance in its category.

Amazon’s Best Seller rankings are updated hourly and reflect the most current selling statistics of products. These rankings provide a real-time indication of what's hot and what's not, spanning across all of Amazon's product categories.

Here's what you need to know to elevate your product's position in the Best Seller rankings:

  1. Sales Volume: The most critical factor in Best Seller rankings is the volume of sales. Increasing your order count can help you climb the rankings.

  2. Historical Sales Data: Amazon not only considers recent sales but also looks at historical data. Consistent sales over time can positively affect your ranking.

  3. Product Pricing: Competitive pricing may boost your sales volume, which in turn, may improve your ranking. Be mindful of your margins while pricing strategically.

  4. Customer Experience: Products that delight customers and generate positive feedback tend to sell better. High-quality products that fulfill customer needs are naturally inclined to climb the rankings.

  5. Inventory Management: Running out of stock can be detrimental to your ranking. Effective inventory management ensures that your product is always available for purchase when a customer clicks on it.

  6. Marketing and Promotions: Tactical marketing efforts, including Amazon PPC (Pay Per Click) campaigns, deals, and promotions, can drive additional traffic and sales, thereby supporting a higher ranking.

The Best Seller tag is a coveted status that can significantly attract more customers, as it acts as social proof of a product's popularity. It’s a fluid ranking, though, meaning your spot at the top can be fleeting if not maintained through continuous sales and marketing efforts.

To maximize your potential in Amazon’s Best Seller rankings, focus on strategies that drive sales and optimize customer satisfaction. Pay close attention to your sales metrics, product listings, and customer feedback. By doing so, you can work towards securing a top position in Amazon’s competitive marketplace.

Comparison of Amazon Choice and Best Seller

Differences in Qualification

Amazon Choice and Best Seller are two different types of badges that Amazon awards to products based on different criteria. Best Seller is awarded based on the number of sales a product has made in a given category, while Amazon Choice is awarded based on a variety of factors including customer reviews, price, and availability.

To qualify for the Best Seller badge, a product must have consistent sales in a specific category over a certain period of time. On the other hand, to qualify for the Amazon Choice badge, a product must have a high rating, a low return rate, and be in stock.

Impact on Sellers

Having either badge can greatly impact a seller's success on Amazon. The Best Seller badge can increase a product's visibility and credibility, leading to more sales. However, it can also attract more competition from other sellers.

The Amazon Choice badge can also increase visibility and credibility, but it can also lead to more pressure on the seller to maintain the high standards required to keep the badge. Losing the Amazon Choice badge can result in a decrease in sales and visibility.

Strategies for Achieving Amazon Choice and Best Seller Status

If you're an Amazon seller, you know how important it is to achieve the coveted Amazon Choice and Best Seller badges. These badges can make a significant difference in your sales and revenue. Here are some strategies to help you achieve these badges:

Optimizing for Amazon Choice

To achieve Amazon Choice status, you need to optimize your product listing to meet Amazon's criteria. Here are some tips to help you optimize your listing:

  • Provide a detailed product description with high-quality images and videos.

  • Use relevant keywords in your product title and description.

  • Offer competitive pricing and shipping options.

  • Maintain a high rating and positive reviews.

  • Keep your inventory in stock and available for fast shipping.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of achieving Amazon Choice status and gaining more visibility and sales.

Earning the Best Seller Badge

To earn the Best Seller badge, you need to have a high volume of sales in a specific category. Here are some tips to help you achieve this badge:

  • Focus on a specific niche or category to become an expert in that area.

  • Offer competitive pricing and promotions to attract customers.

  • Use social media and advertising to drive traffic to your listing.

  • Encourage customers to leave positive reviews and ratings.

  • Keep your inventory in stock and available for fast shipping.


For Amazon sellers, the Amazon's Choice and Best Seller badges are powerful drivers of visibility and consumer trust. However, achieving and maintaining these badges on your products requires a keen understanding of Amazon's complex marketplace and a solid advertising strategy.

This is where tools like PPC automation software come into play. By streamlining your advertising efforts, tools provided by Scale Insights, for example, can help optimize your PPC campaigns efficiently. Our software analyzes trends and adjusts bids, helping your products gain the traction needed to compete for both Amazon's Choice and Best Seller statuses.

Ready to enhance your advertising approach and maximize your potential to earn these prestigious badges? Check out our features and discover how PPC automation software can revolutionize your Amazon advertising strategy. It's time to put technology to work for you and elevate your Amazon selling game.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Amazon best seller and choice?

Amazon Best Seller and Amazon Choice are two different badges that a product can earn on Amazon. The Best Seller badge is awarded to products that sell the most in a particular category. On the other hand, Amazon Choice is awarded to products that are highly rated, well-priced, and available to ship immediately. While both badges indicate that a product is popular or highly rated, Amazon Choice is more focused on quality and availability.

How does a seller become Amazon choice?

To become an Amazon Choice product, a seller needs to meet certain criteria. The product must have a high rating, be competitively priced, and have a low return rate. Additionally, the product must be in stock and available to ship immediately. Amazon's algorithm looks at all of these factors and determines which products are eligible for the Amazon Choice badge.

What does Amazon best seller mean?

Amazon Best Seller is a badge that is awarded to products that sell the most in a particular category. This means that the product has sold more units than any other product in that category during a specific period of time. The Best Seller badge is a good indicator of a product's popularity, but it does not necessarily mean that it is the best product in terms of quality or value.

How long does the best seller badge last on Amazon?

The Best Seller badge is updated hourly and can change frequently. The length of time that a product holds the Best Seller badge depends on how well it is selling compared to other products in the same category. If a product continues to sell well, it can hold the Best Seller badge for an extended period of time. However, if sales start to decline, the badge can be removed and given to a different product that is selling better.