Partner Spotlight: Emplicit

  • #Scale Insights Team

Sebastian Lyner, Chief Strategy Officer at Emplicit, a full-service marketplace agency, offers an in-depth exploration of the company's methodology for conversion rate optimization (CRO). Emplicit manages an array of marketplaces, including Amazon, Walmart, and TikTok Shop, handling everything from marketing and content creation to logistics and 24/7 customer service. Emplicit's integrated approach ensures clients experience fewer suppression issues and reach their maximum potential. Emplicit has launched hundreds of brands on Amazon as a tier-one Amazon SPN partner. Through their partnership with Scale Insights, they leverage powerful automation to optimize media spend.

Emplicit's Comprehensive Approach to Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

The Importance of CRO

Conversion rate optimization is critical for increasing sales and margins. While CRO has been used on websites for years, its application to Amazon listings is more recent. CRO provides long-term benefits similar to SEO, offering significant improvements at relatively low costs. Enhancing the conversion rate boosts organic sales and improves media efficiency.

Running CRO Tests on Amazon

Sebastian emphasizes the importance of initially testing main images and titles, as they impact both click-through and conversion rates. Other elements such as price, bullet points, description, and A+ content are also testable, although not all ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers) are eligible for every type of test. Amazon's "Manage Your Experiments" tool is instrumental in running these tests, splitting traffic 50/50 between different versions and providing statistical analysis to determine the winning variant.

For listings needing immediate updates or when rapid changes are required, Emplicit uses a pre-and-post-testing approach. This method involves making multiple changes at once and comparing performance before and after implementation. While this approach can yield quicker results, it lacks the precision of A/B testing in isolating which changes had the most impact.

Elements to Test

1. Main Image and Title: Prioritize these as they affect click-through and conversion rates.

2. Thumbnails: Images and videos are crucial for visual appeal and product understanding.

3. Bullet Points and Description: Provide detailed information that can influence purchasing decisions.

4. A+ Content and Brand Story: Offer additional opportunities for optimization, though less critical than other elements.

Building a CRO Roadmap

A CRO roadmap should be based on hypotheses based on data and market insights. Testing should begin with bestsellers, as improvements can yield the most significant returns. The roadmap must remain flexible to accommodate new insights and external factors such as market changes or competitor actions.

Off-Amazon Testing

Emplicit also explores testing off-Amazon using tools like Intellivi, Selemetrics, and PickFu. These platforms simulate Amazon listings to test changes against competitors or within the same brand. Although this approach incurs additional costs, it can provide valuable insights, particularly for packaging changes.

Key Takeaways

‣ Valid Tests: Only test individual ASINs or grouped ASINs with identical variables, and test one variable at a time.

‣ Statistical Significance: Ensure tests reach a minimum of 90% probability for reliability, aiming for 95%.

‣ Continuous Testing: Maintain ongoing tests to improve listings continually.

‣ Flexibility: Be prepared to adapt the testing roadmap based on results and external factors.


Emplicit's comprehensive approach to conversion rate optimization transformed the brand's performance on Amazon, demonstrating the power of strategic CRO initiatives. By addressing the core issues and continuously refining strategies based on data-driven insights, Emplicit successfully boosted the brand's conversion rates and overall sales.

To elevate your Amazon campaigns, subscribe to Scale Insights. With Scale Insights, you can seamlessly A/B test campaigns and automate campaign management, significantly reducing the time spent on PPC ad management. The affordable Scale 5 plan, starting at just $78, includes automation for 5 ASIN slots. Optimize your campaigns effortlessly and efficiently with Scale Insights today. Don't miss this opportunity to streamline your advertising efforts and boost your sales.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Related Topics

1. What are the benefits of using A+ Content on Amazon?

A+ Content, previously Enhanced Brand Content, allows sellers to add rich images, text placements, and comparison charts to their product listings. The benefits include:

‣ Improved Conversion Rates: Enhanced visuals and detailed information can persuade customers to purchase.

‣ Increased Customer Engagement: Rich content helps better explain the product features and benefits, leading to more informed purchasing decisions.

‣ Reduced Return Rates: By providing clear and comprehensive information, customers are less likely to be disappointed with their purchase, reducing the likelihood of returns.

2. How does Amazon SEO differ from traditional SEO?

Amazon SEO focuses on optimizing product listings to rank higher in Amazon's search results, while traditional SEO is about ranking on search engines like Google. Key differences include:

‣ Ranking Factors: Amazon SEO prioritizes sales velocity, conversion rate, and customer reviews, whereas traditional SEO focuses on backlinks, content quality, and website structure.

‣ Keyword Strategy: Amazon requires precise and relevant keywords for product titles, bullet points, and descriptions to match buyer searches, while traditional SEO often deals with broader keyword strategies.

‣ Algorithm: Amazon's A9 algorithm is designed to maximize sales per search query, while search engines like Google aim to deliver the most relevant and authoritative content.

3. What are the best practices for optimizing product titles on Amazon?

Optimizing product titles is crucial for visibility and conversion. Best practices include:

‣ Keyword Placement: Place the most relevant keywords at the beginning of the title.

‣ Clarity and Brevity: Ensure the title is clear and concise, ideally between 60 and 80 characters, and includes essential information such as brand, product type, and key features.

‣ Avoid Keyword Stuffing: Use natural language and avoid overloading the title with keywords, which can be off-putting to customers.

4. How can I use Amazon Advertising to complement my CRO efforts?

Amazon Advertising can enhance your CRO strategy by driving targeted traffic to your optimized listings. Tips include:

‣ Sponsored Products: Promote individual listings to appear in relevant search results and product pages.

‣ Sponsored Brands: Boost brand awareness by showcasing a custom headline and multiple products.

‣ Sponsored Display: Retarget customers who have viewed your products or similar products, encouraging them to return and purchase.

‣ Performance Tracking: Use Amazon's advertising reports to monitor the effectiveness of your campaigns and adjust your CRO efforts accordingly.

5. What role do customer reviews and ratings play in CRO?

Customer reviews and ratings are critical to the CRO as they influence purchasing decisions and search rankings. Strategies to leverage them include:

‣ Encouraging Reviews: Use follow-up emails and packaging inserts to ask satisfied customers to leave reviews.

‣ Responding to Feedback: Address negative reviews professionally and promptly to show customers you care about their experience.

‣ Highlighting Positive Reviews: Use excerpts from favorable reviews in your A+ Content or product description to build trust and credibility.