How to Structure Your Amazon PPC Campaign: 2024 Guide

  • #Scale Insights Team
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How to Structure Your Amazon PPC Campaign

Creating an effective Amazon PPC campaign is critical for enhancing product visibility and increasing sales, yet it can be a complex challenge to navigate. If you're grappling with how to structure your PPC efforts, you're in the right place.

This guide will provide an overview of crafting a well-structured PPC campaign, from understanding the difference between automatic and manual campaigns to organizing your ad groups and selecting the best keyword match types. These components are crucial for targeting the right audience and maximizing your ad spend.

Read on to learn the fundamentals of building a robust Amazon PPC campaign that enhances your product visibility and propels your marketplace success. Let's dive in and turn clicks into customers.

Setting Up Your Campaign Structure

To make your products more visible on Amazon and increase sales, start by setting up two types of ad campaigns for each product you have. Here’s a simplified breakdown of what to do:

1. Launch Automatic Campaigns

You need to create a campaign for each product (ASIN) (Amazon Standard Identification Number). Starting with automatic campaigns can help to gather valuable data, as Amazon uses an algorithm to match your ads to relevant search queries. Once you've mined enough keyword data, shift your focus to manual campaigns for greater control.

Create one automatic and one manual ad campaign. Let this campaign run for at least a week or two. This phase is about collecting data without much work, as Amazon’s algorithms pick out the keywords and show your ads to potential customers.

2. Analyze Performance Data

After your automatic campaign has gathered some data, take a look at the Search Term Report. This report shows you which keywords people used when they stumbled upon and bought your product. Pick out the best-performing keywords from this report.

3. Create Manual Campaigns

Next, use these keywords to create a more controlled, manual campaign. In this campaign, you'll make three groups of ads based on how closely the keywords match what people search for:

Broad Match: Your ad shows up for searches related to your keyword, even if the search includes other words.

Phrase Match: Your ad comes up for searches that contain your exact keyword phrase, possibly with additional words before or after.

Exact Match: Your ad only displays when the search matches your keyword.

When creating manual campaigns, organizing campaigns by product categories is wise. This method simplifies managing bids and tailoring your approach to different product lines. For instance, group products that serve a similar purpose or cater to the same audience for more coherent ad targeting.

4. Setting Budgets and Duration

Assign a budget and duration for both your automatic and manual campaigns. If you’re just starting, you might want to begin with a budget of around $10 a day and leave the end date open so you can continuously monitor and tweak the campaign.

5. Finding Long-Tail Keywords

An essential tip is to look for long-tail keywords in your Search Term Report. These are longer and more specific phrases that shoppers use. They are less competitive, which can make them cheaper to bid on, and they often lead to more sales since they're used by people who are closer to making a purchase.

6. Name Conventions for Scalability

Establish clear and systematic naming conventions from the get-go, which are essential for scalability and keeping track of numerous campaigns. This might include details like the campaign type, target audience, date range, or any other relevant descriptor that helps you navigate your campaign structure swiftly.

Keyword Research and Targeting

When structuring your Amazon PPC campaign, understanding the intricacies of keyword research and targeting is crucial. Identifying the right keywords can help you place your products in front of interested customers and use your advertising budget efficiently.

Importance of Relevant Keywords

Relevant keywords are the foundation of a successful Amazon PPC campaign. Your choice of keywords should reflect the queries potential buyers are using to search for products akin to yours. By honing in on relevant keywords, you increase the likelihood of your ads reaching a targeted audience with high purchase intent, which can lead to a better conversion rate.

Analyzing Search Volume and Competition

High search volume indicates many users are looking for that keyword, but it usually comes with increased competition. Analyze keywords to strike a balance where the search volume is sufficient without the competition being too overpowering. Use tools like the Amazon Keyword Research Tool to gather data on keyword performance and choose those that align with your campaign goals and budget.

Creating and Optimizing AdGroups

An organized Amazon PPC campaign with AdGroups structured for optimal performance. Keywords and bids are carefully managed for maximum effectiveness

When setting up Ad Groups within your Amazon PPC campaigns, organization is key. Begin by separating your products into groups that make sense together, often based on similarities like category or price range.

For example, in an Automatic Campaign, you might let Amazon generate search terms related to your product, but in a Manual Campaign, it's beneficial to create individual Ad Groups for different keyword match types, which could include broad, phrase, or exact matches.

Strategies for Bid Optimization

For optimization, you should regularly review your Ad Groups to adjust bids based on performance. With bidding strategy, starting with a default bid and then modifying it can help you find the sweet spot for each keyword or product.

Tools like an Amazon Keyword Research Tool can guide your initial bids. Also, observe the performance over time, and learn to optimize your CPC bids by increasing them for high-performing keywords and decreasing them for those that underperform.

Utilizing Negative Keywords

Adding negative keywords to your Ad Groups is essential to refine traffic and prevent irrelevant clicks. This way, you ensure your ads only appear for terms that are likely to convert.

For instance, if you're selling 'gourmet chocolate bars,' you may want to add 'chocolate molds' as a negative keyword if your product does not fit this category. It's all about improving the relevance of your traffic, which in turn, can enhance your ad spend efficiency and your campaign's overall success.

Budgeting and Bidding

When structuring your Amazon PPC campaign, understanding how to manage your budgets and bidding strategies effectively is essential for optimizing spend and achieving your advertising goals.

Determining Campaign Budgets

To begin determining your campaign budgets, it's important to first establish your overall advertising spend based on your business's financial situation and the sales goals you aim to achieve through Amazon PPC.

Break down this overall budget to allocate specific amounts to each campaign, considering the product's profitability and market competition. For instance, high-margin products may warrant a larger budget allocation to maximize exposure, while products with smaller margins may require a more conservative approach.

Adapting Bidding Strategies for Your Goals

Your bidding strategies should reflect your campaign objectives. If you're looking to maximize visibility and acquire market share, you might consider a more aggressive bidding strategy. On the other hand, if the goal is to maintain profitability, finding the optimal bid that balances spending and sales is crucial. Remember to review performance data and adjust bids accordingly regularly – this could mean reducing bids for underperforming keywords or increasing them for those bringing in high conversions.

Automatic vs. Manual Bidding

  • Automatic Campaigns: With automatic targeting, Amazon uses your product information to place bids on relevant search terms. This can be a good starting point for identifying potential keywords that convert well, which you might not have considered initially.

    • Pros: Easier to set up; Amazon's algorithms find keywords for you.

    • Cons: Less control over which keywords and bid amounts.

  • Manual Campaigns: Here, you select your own keywords and set individual bids for them, giving you greater control over your campaign. This approach is beneficial once you have identified specific keywords that perform well for your products.

    • Pros: Precise bidding on chosen keywords; control over budget spend.

    • Cons: Requires more time and expertise to manage effectively.

In both cases, setting up well-structured ad groups and utilizing various keyword match types can further refine your targeting and bidding, ensuring that your campaigns are as effective as possible.

Leveraging Advanced Amazon PPC Features

When optimizing your Amazon PPC campaigns, take advantage of advanced features that can expand your reach, enhance brand awareness, and target your audience more effectively.

Utilizing Sponsored Display Ads for Reach

Sponsored Display Ads provide you with tools to extend your campaign's reach beyond what traditional search ads offer. You can place your ads on Amazon's home pages, product detail pages, and even off-site to attract visitors back to your product listings.

To set up a Sponsored Display Ad, you'll want to create campaigns which will allow Amazon's algorithm to identify where your ads can be most effectively placed for the audiences you're trying to reach.

Exploiting Audience Targeting with Sponsored Brands

Sponsored Brands are key for boosting brand awareness and connecting with your target audience. Through Manual Campaigns, you can use Keyword Match Types to target customers who are searching for products like yours precisely. Additionally, combine product targeting options to show your ads to customers who view similar products or have certain shopping behaviors that align with your brand.


Navigating Amazon PPC campaign structures is key to enhancing your product visibility and boosting sales. From choosing between automatic and manual campaigns to creating targeted ad groups, every step is crucial. Utilizing different keyword match types and conducting ongoing keyword research are powerful strategies to ensure your ads reach the right audience.

Take the leap to fine-tune your Amazon PPC campaigns for success with Scale Insights. For further guidance and expertly crafted PPC strategies, consider our Amazon PPC plans. They're designed to help you navigate the complexities of Amazon advertising and achieve the results you desire. Get started today and see your business grow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Navigating the world of Amazon PPC can be complex, but with the right structure and understanding, you can optimize your campaigns for better performance. Here are common questions you might have as you embark on setting up your PPC campaigns.

What are the steps for beginners to set up a PPC campaign on Amazon?

To set up your first Amazon PPC campaign, begin by choosing the type of campaign you want to run—either automatic or manual. Next, create your ad groups within the campaign and add products. Select keywords for targeting, set your daily budget and bid amount, and then launch your campaign. Monitoring and adjustments will be crucial from there.

What are the different types of PPC campaigns available on Amazon?

Amazon offers two main types of PPC campaigns: automatic and manual. Automatic campaigns allow Amazon to control your ad placements using your listing information, while manual campaigns provide greater control, letting you choose keywords and placements.

Can you provide some examples or case studies of successful Amazon PPC campaigns?

While specific examples and case studies are detailed in various resources, success in an Amazon PPC campaign often involves strategic keyword targeting, continual optimization of bids, and a strong understanding of your target audience. Analyzing competitors and periodic reviews of campaign analytics contribute to ongoing success.

How can you determine if investing in Amazon PPC is beneficial for your product?

To determine if Amazon PPC is right for your product, consider metrics like Cost-Per-Click (CPC), Advertising Cost of Sale (ACoS), and overall return on ad spend (RoAS). Investing in PPC can be beneficial if it significantly boosts your visibility and sales without exceeding your margin.

What roles does an Amazon PPC specialist play in managing campaigns?

An Amazon PPC specialist focuses on structuring campaigns, conducting keyword research, setting budgets and bids, and continuously analyzing performance data to tweak and improve the campaigns.

What is the difference between an automatic and manual PPC campaign on Amazon?

Automatic campaigns allow Amazon's algorithms to select when and where your ads appear based on product information and customer search terms. Conversely, manual campaigns provide more control as you select specific keywords or products to target and set bids at the keyword or placement level.