Sellozo Pricing & Review: What You Need to Know

  • #Chiah Hock Chua
Amazon Advertising Software Amazon PPC Best Amazon Tools Comparison Guides Sellozo Sellozo Pricing Sellozo Review

Introduction to Sellozo

Sellozo is an AI-powered Amazon advertising automation and analytics platform designed to help sellers optimize their PPC campaigns. With features like automated bid adjustments, keyword management, campaign optimization, and performance analytics, Sellozo aims to streamline the complexities of Amazon advertising.

However, while Sellozo offers robust tools, it's essential to explore alternatives like Scale Insights, which provides a more flexible pricing model and advanced automation features that might better meet the needs of Amazon PPC managers and Amazon sellers looking for comprehensive control over their campaigns.

Choosing the right pricing plan is crucial to maximizing the value your PPC management tool can bring to your business, and understanding these options can help you make the most informed decision.

Sellozo in a Nutshell

Sellozo simplifies Amazon PPC management with AI-driven automation and comprehensive analytics. Key features include:

- Automated Bid Adjustments: Dynamically optimizes bids to improve ad performance.

- Dayparting and Keyword Management: Allows targeting of peak times and refining ad relevance.

- Detailed Performance Reports: Provides insights into profitability and campaign effectiveness.

While Sellozo offers a solid all-in-one solution, its SKU-based pricing can become costly for sellers with numerous product variations.

In contrast, Scale Insights not only offers a more cost-effective ASIN-based pricing model but also delivers advanced, granular automations that provide deeper control and precision in managing Amazon PPC campaigns, making it a superior choice for those seeking both scalability and sophisticated optimization tools.

Detailed Breakdown of Sellozo Pricing Plans

Sellozo offers two primary pricing tiers: the Self-Serve Plan and the Full Management Plan.

Enhanced Pricing Comparison Table of Sellozo and Scale Insights

Monthly Plan

(SKU-Based Pricing)

Scale Insights(ASIN-Based Pricing)

0-10 SKUs


Starting from $78 for up to 5 ASINs automation

If 0-10 SKUs are all variations under 1-5 ASINs, you would be under the Scale 5 plan at $78/month.

You have the power to choose how many ASINs you want to automate

11-1000 SKUs


Same as above

Starting from $78 for up to 5 ASINs automation

If 11-1000 SKUs are all variations under 1-5 ASINs, you would be under the Scale 5 plan at $78/month.

You have the power to choose how many ASINs you want to automate

1000+ SKUs


Same as above

Starting from $78 for up to 5 ASINs automation

If 0-10 SKUs are all variations under 1-5 ASINs, you would be under the Scale 5 plan at $78/month.

You have the power to choose how many ASINs you want to automate

Risk-Free Trial

14 days for Self-Serve only

Yes, 30 days on all pricing plans

Risk-Free Trial with no credit card required

Not available

30-day trial on all plans, no credit card required.

Allows full access to explore and choose the right level of ASIN automation.

Cost-Effectiveness and Value

Sellozo’s pricing structure is based on a flat monthly fee determined by the number of SKUs managed, offering a straightforward way for sellers to budget their advertising costs. However, the starting price of $149 per month for just 0-10 SKUs might be a significant investment for smaller sellers or those new to Amazon PPC. 

Comparison with Competitors: Compared to other Amazon PPC tools like Helium 10 (Adtomic) pricing plans and Teikametrics pricing plans, Sellozo’s flat fee model can provide cost predictability. 

However, Sellozo’s SKU-based pricing may not always represent the best value, particularly for smaller sellers with many product variations.

The potential mismatch arises because SKU-based pricing can inflate costs by counting each product variation as a separate SKU.

This increase in SKUs doesn't necessarily correlate with the seller's actual advertising needs or budget, which can make this pricing model less cost-effective, especially if the variations don’t translate into proportional advertising benefits.

Understanding ASIN-Based vs. SKU-Based Pricing Models

The pricing models used by Amazon PPC tools, such as Sellozo and Scale Insights, can greatly affect your costs based on your product catalog structure.

ASIN-Based Pricing (Scale Insights):

- Prices are based on the number of ASINs you choose to automate, offering flexibility. Even if you have 1000 ASINs, you can choose to automate only 5 ASINs with the Scale 5 plan at about $78/month, instead of being locked into a higher tier.

- Examples:
Scale 5: $78/month for 5 ASINs.
Scale 100: $688/month for 100 ASINs.

This model is cost-effective for sellers with many variations of fewer products, as it charges by unique products you choose to automate ads for, not variations.

SKU-Based Pricing (Sellozo):

- Charges based on total SKUs, which includes all product variations, leading to higher costs for sellers with many variations.

- Examples:
0 to 10 SKUs: $149/month
11 to 1000 SKUs: $299/month
1000+ SKUs: $399/month

Illustrative Example: ASIN-Based vs. SKU-Based Pricing

Imagine you sell a t-shirt that comes in 5 sizes and 4 colors and you run Amazon ads to them:


(SKU-Based Pricing)

Scale Insights
(ASIN-Based Pricing)

Product Count

20 SKUs (5 sizes × 4 colors)


Pricing Model

Pay for 20 SKUs

Pay for 1 ASIN

Example Cost

$299/month (11-1000 SKUs)

$78/month (Scale 5 plan)

In this scenario, Scale Insights charges based on the number of unique ASINs, making it more cost-effective if you have many variations under fewer products. Sellozo's SKU-based pricing, which counts each variation, can lead to higher costs.

Top Alternatives to Sellozo: Scale Insights

When exploring alternatives, Scale Insights stands out for those seeking flexible pricing and advanced automation capabilities without being tied down by SKU counts.

Why Scale Insights May Be a Superior Choice:

- Flexible ASIN-Based Pricing Model:
Unlike Sellozo’s SKU-based pricing, which can quickly escalate costs due to the number of variations, Scale Insights offers a streamlined ASIN-based model.

This allows users to pay based on the exact number of unique products they want to advertise, regardless of variations, making it a more scalable and cost-effective solution for sellers with numerous variations under fewer core products.

- Advanced Automation with High Control:
While Sellozo offers rule-based automation, Scale Insights provides an elevated experience with extensive automation features and actionable insights specifically designed to enhance Amazon PPC strategies.

Scale Insights emphasizes "absurd control" over ad campaigns, allowing users to tailor automation rules precisely to their unique business needs, a significant upgrade over the limited customization options of Sellozo.

- Comprehensive Access to Features Across Plans:
Scale Insights provides full access to all tools and features across its pricing tiers, unlike Sellozo, where feature availability can vary by plan.

This ensures that every user, regardless of their selected plan, can fully utilize Scale Insights’ capabilities without additional costs or upgrades.

Enhanced Features Comparison Table of Sellozo and Scale Insights



Scale Insights

Automation Customization

Basic rule-based automation with standard options

✔️✔️✔️Advanced automation with stackable rules

✔️✔️✔️Customizable lookback periods

✔️✔️✔️Variety of automation rules including dayparting and negative keywords.

✔️✔️✔️And more

Campaign Management


Visual tools with basic customization

✔️✔️✔️Full control with tailored automation rules

✔️✔️✔️Mass campaign creation (bulk auto, split keywords/products)

✔️✔️✔️Dynamic adjustments

✔️✔️✔️And more 

Analytics and Reporting

Standard P&L dashboard

✔️✔️✔️In-depth analytics, including:

✔️ Sales trend analysis

✔️ Restock forecasting

✔️ PPC and sales data combination

✔️ Session data integration

providing a comprehensive view of profitability.

Support and Resources


Email and chat support, available during business hours

✔️✔️✔️24/7 customer support

✔️✔️✔️Extensive community resources

✔️✔️✔️learning tools

✔️✔️✔️Access to a supportive user community.


Customization available within set rules and options

✔️✔️✔️Highly customizable with stackable bidding rules

✔️✔️✔️Import/export rules for keyword management

✔️✔️✔️Detailed change logs to track campaign adjustments

✔️✔️✔️Dashboard to personalize according to your unique strategy and metrics.

Pricing Flexibility

Flexible pricing based on the number of SKUs chosen for automation.

While flexible, the cost can increase significantly with variations under each product, as each SKU is counted separately.

✔️✔️✔️Superior ASIN-based pricing allows users to choose the exact number of ASINs they want to automate, regardless of variations.

✔️✔️✔️This model offers more precise control and can significantly reduce costs, especially for sellers with many variations under fewer core products.

Unique Features

Standard PPC features

✔️✔️✔️Unique features like TACoS (Total Advertising Cost of Sales) in dashboard

✔️✔️✔️Session data integration

✔️✔️✔️Customizable dashboards

✔️✔️✔️Bulk import rules for top-performing keywords.

Key Takeaways:

- Superior Cost Efficiency with ASIN-Based Pricing:
Scale Insights offers an ASIN-based pricing model that allows users to automate only the ASINs they choose, making it more cost-effective compared to Sellozo’s SKU-based pricing.

This approach is particularly beneficial for sellers with numerous variations under fewer core products, as it prevents unnecessary cost inflation associated with SKU counts.

- Advanced Automation and Customization:
Scale Insights excels in providing advanced automation capabilities with stackable rules, customizable lookback periods, and a range of dynamic adjustments.

This level of granular control is a significant upgrade over Sellozo’s basic rule-based automation, making Scale Insights the preferred choice for users looking to optimize their PPC campaigns with sophisticated strategies.

- Comprehensive and Scalable Solutions:
Scale Insights is highly scalable with its flexible ASIN-based pricing, making it ideal for businesses of all sizes, from small sellers to large enterprises.

In contrast, while Sellozo offers flexibility, its cost can escalate with a high SKU count, limiting scalability for businesses with extensive product catalogs.

- Enhanced User Experience and Support:
With a user-friendly interface, extensive customization options, and 24/7 support, Scale Insights provides a superior user experience. This includes access to community resources and learning tools, ensuring that users can fully leverage the platform.

Sellozo, on the other hand, offers limited support hours and may require additional training to navigate its features effectively.

- Unrestricted Trial Experience:
Scale Insights provides a comprehensive 30-day trial with full access to all features and no credit card required, allowing users to thoroughly explore and test the platform.

In comparison, Sellozo’s 14-day trial is more restrictive, on a shorter timeframe, which can hinder a full evaluation of its capabilities.


While Sellozo offers a robust set of features with its AI-driven automation and SKU-based pricing, it may not always align with the needs of sellers looking for maximum flexibility and cost efficiency. Scale Insights emerges as a more versatile and scalable alternative for Amazon PPC managers and Amazon sellers seeking to optimize their advertising strategies.

Scale Insights’ ASIN-based pricing model provides unmatched flexibility, allowing users to automate only the ASINs they choose, resulting in significant cost savings, especially for businesses managing numerous variations under fewer core products. Its advanced automation capabilities, including stackable rules and customizable controls, deliver deeper and more precise campaign management compared to the basic rule-based system of Sellozo.

Moreover, Scale Insights excels in user experience with a highly intuitive interface, comprehensive analytics, and 24/7 support, ensuring that users can fully leverage the platform’s powerful features without the barriers often associated with more restrictive platforms. The 30-day unrestricted trial with no credit card required further underscores Scale Insights' commitment to providing a risk-free exploration of its capabilities, making it easier for sellers to find the right fit for their needs.

For Amazon PPC managers looking to elevate their advertising efforts with a solution that offers greater control, scalability, and value, Scale Insights stands out as the top choice. Try Scale Insights today with a 30-day free trial and discover how it can transform your Amazon PPC strategy—no credit card required.

Here’s a closer look at how Scale Insights’ sophisticated automation can transform your PPC strategy:

Details on Scale Insights’ 12 Proprietary Algorithms – Flexible Automation

Dynamic Bidding Rule

The Dynamic Bidding Rule analyzes and adjusts keyword bids based on performance to help you achieve your target ACoS. By evaluating keyword statistics over a set period, the rule optimizes bids to ensure that high-performing keywords maintain or improve their rankings, while low-performing keywords receive lower bids to control ad spend.

This feature is advantageous because it allows for more granular control over your advertising budget, ensuring that resources are allocated where they will have the most impact. By fine-tuning bids daily, the rule helps avoid overbidding on keywords with unsustainable results and prevents underbidding on keywords that could still deliver value.

For example, if a keyword consistently delivers sales but at a high ACoS, the Dynamic Bidding Rule will gradually reduce the bid until the target ACoS is met, thereby improving profitability while maintaining keyword visibility. Conversely, if a keyword shows promise but isn't receiving enough impressions, the rule can incrementally increase the bid to boost its visibility without overspending.

Import Rule

The Import Rule automatically gathers performing search terms or product targets by analyzing their aggregated data across multiple ad groups, then adds them to enhance your selected ad groups. This rule streamlines the process of incorporating search terms or product targets that perform well, ensuring that your chosen ad group is optimized based on a thorough automated data analysis.

By focusing your budget and efforts on these proven performers, identified through aggregated performance data, the Import Rule enables more efficient ad spend and faster, better overall campaign results.

For example, if search terms across several ad groups show strong sales performance when aggregated, the Import Rule will identify these terms and add them as keywords into your selected ad group. This approach ensures that your selected ad group quickly benefits from these top-performing search terms, allowing you to allocate budget effectively and improve your campaign's efficiency and effectiveness.

Negative Rule

The Negative Rule helps you automatically identify and remove non-converting keywords by analyzing their aggregated performance across multiple campaigns. You can set specific criteria—such as a certain number of clicks without orders—based on which the rule will filter out ineffective search terms. These underperforming search terms are then automatically added as negative keywords within the relevant ad groups, refining your targeting and reducing wasted ad spend.

This rule allows you to focus your ad budget more effectively on keywords that drive conversions. By enabling you to define the criteria, the process ensures that your ad spend is directed toward the most effective keywords, improving overall campaign efficiency and maximizing return on investment.

For example, if you set the criteria to flag search terms that receive 20 clicks without generating an order, the Negative Rule will automatically convert these into negative keywords. This prevents them from triggering your ads and conserves your budget for more productive keywords.

Negative Word Rule

The Negative Word Rule enhances ad targeting by filtering out irrelevant words from search terms. It dissects search terms into individual words and analyzes their performance across multiple campaigns. By aggregating this data, the rule identifies non-performing words that consistently fail to convert, ensuring your ads are triggered only by search terms that exclude these ineffective words.

Once these underperforming words are identified, the rule automatically adds them as negative phrase keywords to the ad groups you've selected. This process prevents your ads from being shown for irrelevant searches, allowing you to allocate your ad spend more efficiently.

For example, if the word "bike" appears in search terms but consistently fails to generate sales, the rule will exclude it as a phrase match from your ad targeting. This adjustment redirects your budget toward more effective terms, leading to more precise ad targeting, reduced wasted spend, and an overall improvement in your return on ad investments.

Day Parting Rule

The Day Parting Rule optimizes ad performance by enabling you to schedule your ads to run during specific hours of the day, targeting the times when your customers are most active. This feature helps prevent issues like click fraud by allowing you to avoid periods when competitors might be using click farms to deplete your ad budget. By scheduling your ads to appear only during peak performance times, you can ensure that your ad spend is used more efficiently.

In practice, this rule allows you to pause ads during off-hours, such as late at night, when conversions are low, and resume them during times of high customer activity. For instance, if you discover that your ads are frequently clicked by bots or competitors after midnight, the Day Parting Rule can prevent your budget from being wasted on non-converting clicks by disabling ads during those hours.

Moreover, by enabling your ads only during the times of day when conversions are highest, the Day Parting Rule can significantly improve your campaign’s return on investment. For example, if your data shows that conversions are more likely to occur between 8 AM and 12 PM, this rule ensures that your ads are active during those hours, leading to higher sales and a more efficient use of your advertising budget.

Revive Rule

The Revive Rule is specifically designed to re-engage underperforming keywords that have shown strong performance in the past but are no longer receiving traffic. By identifying these keywords based on customizable criteria, this rule increases their bids incrementally to improve their chances of regaining visibility and performance.

The Revive Rule works by analyzing the last 30 days of keyword statistics, with the option to extend this analysis up to 90 days. It identifies keywords that have historically driven significant traffic and conversions but have recently stopped receiving impressions or clicks. These keywords are then gradually revived by increasing their bids, aiming to meet a target ACoS or until they become active again.

For example, if a keyword had previously contributed significantly to your sales but recently dropped off in performance, the Revive Rule will begin to incrementally increase its bid. This calculated adjustment is designed to help the keyword regain its previous performance levels, improving its visibility and positioning in the ad auction without abruptly overbidding. This ensures that potentially valuable keywords are not prematurely abandoned, thereby maximizing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Blacklist Rule

The Blacklist Rule enhances your ad campaign efficiency by excluding keywords that are irrelevant to your target audience. You can compile a list of these keywords, and the rule will automatically add them as negative exact or phrase keywords to your assigned ad groups. This ensures that your ads aren’t triggered by searches that include these irrelevant terms, focusing your budget on more promising keywords that are likely to drive conversions.

For instance, if the keyword "cheap" doesn’t align with your premium product offerings, adding it to the blacklist ensures that this keyword is excluded from your campaigns. This prevents wasted ad spend on unqualified traffic, allowing you to allocate your budget more effectively.

Whitelist Rule

The Whitelist Rule safeguards your top-performing keywords by preventing them from being accidentally excluded from your campaigns. It does this by protecting these keywords from being negated or removed by any other rules you may have applied. This ensures that these crucial keywords remain active in your ad groups, maintaining their contribution to your campaign's success.

For example, if the keyword "premium" consistently drives high traffic and conversions, the Whitelist Rule will ensure that it remains active, even if other rules might suggest its exclusion. This protection helps maximize your ad’s reach and effectiveness by keeping your best-performing keywords in play.

Status Rule

The Status Rule allows you to automatically pause or activate ad groups and campaigns based on specific performance conditions you set. This feature offers precise control over your ad management, enabling you to tailor responses to underperforming or over performing elements within your campaigns.

By using the Status Rule, you can ensure that your ad budget is allocated more efficiently, preventing waste on underperforming campaigns and maximizing the impact of successful ones.

For instance, you might set a Status Rule for Ad Group 1 to automatically pause only that specific ad group if it underperforms, allowing other parts of your campaign to continue running. Conversely, you could set a different rule for Ad Group 2 to pause both the ad group and its entire campaign if it doesn't meet your performance targets. This flexibility allows you to fine-tune your campaign management strategy, ensuring that your ads are always aligned with your performance goals.

Placement Rule

The Placement Rule is designed to optimize your ad visibility by automatically adjusting your campaign's placement settings based on performance. You can set specific criteria, including the campaign’s Top of Search (TOS) percentage, the incremental or decremental value, and performance metrics such as conversion rates and ACoS.

This rule stands out because it dynamically adjusts your ad placements in high-impact positions, like Top of Search or Product Pages, ensuring your best-performing campaigns reach the most relevant audience. Unlike static settings, this rule adapts as performance data is analyzed, optimizing your campaign placements for maximum impact.

Your most effective campaigns can receive optimal visibility, leading to improved campaign performance and a higher return on investment. By strategically focusing your budget on high-performing placements, the Placement Rule helps you achieve your advertising goals more efficiently.

For example, if a campaign consistently delivers strong results but isn’t fully optimized for visibility, the Placement Rule can automatically increase its TOS percentage, ensuring that the campaign’s ads appear more frequently at the top of search results. This leads to higher click-through rates and conversions, maximizing the impact of your ad spend.

Daily Budget Rule

The Daily Budget Rule allows you to dynamically adjust your campaign's daily budget based on either the day of the week or the campaign's performance metrics that you set. Instead of automatically identifying days with higher or lower sales, the rule operates based on the parameters you define, such as specific days of the week or performance thresholds like ACoS or conversion rates.

You can set the rule to increase the budget on days when you anticipate higher sales or reduce it when the campaign underperforms.

Additionally, if certain performance criteria are met—like achieving a specific conversion rate or staying within a target ACoS—the rule can adjust the budget accordingly. These adjustments happen once daily, based on the data analyzed at midnight, ensuring your campaigns remain aligned with your performance goals without requiring constant manual oversight.

For example, you might configure the rule to increase the budget by 50% on Saturdays, when you typically see higher sales, while decreasing it by 33% on Mondays if performance tends to drop. The rule can then further adjust the budget within the same day based on campaign performance, such as increasing the budget when the ACoS is below 20% or decreasing it when conversions fall below 5%. This flexibility allows you to optimize your ad spend effectively, ensuring your budget is allocated where it can generate the best results.

Default Bid Rule

The Default Bid Rule allows you to set and adjust default bids specifically for legacy auto campaigns that do not have the four targeting groups (close match, loose match, substitutes, complements), providing better control over your ad spend. This rule automatically adjusts the default bids based on the campaign's performance, ensuring that your bids are aligned with your target ACoS.

This feature is particularly advantageous for older campaigns where granular bid control is not available through the four targeting groups.

By dynamically adjusting bids, the Default Bid Rule helps you maintain an optimized bidding strategy, ensuring that your ad spend is efficiently used to meet your advertising goals.

For example, if a legacy auto campaign is performing well but not fully optimized, the Default Bid Rule can lower the default bid to bring the ACoS within your target range, thereby improving the campaign’s profitability. Conversely, if the campaign is not generating sufficient clicks or sales, the rule can increase the default bid to capture more impressions, driving higher traffic and potentially increasing sales. This ensures that even without the granular control available in newer campaigns, your legacy campaigns remain competitive and cost-effective.

Ready to Elevate Your Amazon PPC Strategy?

While Sellozo offers a robust set of features with its AI-driven automation and SKU-based pricing, it may not always align with the needs of sellers looking for maximum flexibility and cost efficiency. Scale Insights emerges as a more versatile and scalable alternative for Amazon PPC managers and Amazon sellers seeking to optimize their advertising strategies.

Note: Scale Insights supports Amazon marketplaces in: United States, Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Japan, Singapore and Australia.