Advanced Amazon PPC Strategies Course For 2024

  • #Scale Insights Team
advanced amazon ppc strategies course advanced ppc strategies amazon amazon ppc strategies course

Navigating Amazon's Pay-Per-Click model can be daunting. Some even find it unnecessary at first glance. Yet the power of a strategic Amazon PPC campaign cannot be understated. It's a crucial key to success in such a competitive marketplace.

Implementing advanced Amazon PPC strategies can increase your products' visibility, help you better target specific keywords, and even directly compete on your competitors' product pages. Just imagine the possibilities.

This course delves into some of the most advanced Amazon PPC strategies to optimize ad campaigns and enhance e-commerce success. Whether you're an experienced seller looking to sharpen your skills or a newbie hoping to grasp the fundamentals, you're in the right place.

1. Leverage Manual Keyword Targeting To Find Money Keywords


Manual keyword targeting is integral in any advanced Amazon PPC strategy by allowing sellers to control which keywords are vital for your products and, more critically, which search terms trigger your ads.

You need to go beyond just choosing a list of relevant keywords. Instead, you have to have a thorough understanding of keyword match types, which serve as the guidelines for how closely the customer's search needs to match your keywords.

Exact Match Keywords

Exact Match is the most precise match type in Amazon PPC. When you use Exact Match, your ad will only appear when a shopper's search term matches your keyword exactly or includes minor variations such as misspellings, singular or plural forms, abbreviations, and acronyms.

The benefit of using Exact Match is that you have a high degree of control over who sees your ads. This can lead to a more targeted ad strategy, potentially improving your conversion rates and reducing irrelevant clicks. However, it also means your ad may be shown less frequently, as it will only appear for very specific search terms.

An Exact Match strategy requires a solid understanding of your target customers' search terms. This often involves comprehensive keyword research and ongoing keyword optimization based on campaign performance data.

Phrase Match Keywords

Phrase Match is slightly less specific than Exact Match. With Phrase Match, your ad can appear when a shopper's search includes your exact keyword phrase in the same order, even if other words are present before or after the phrase.

This means you can reach a wider audience than with Exact Match, as your ad can appear for various search terms. However, it also means you may attract more irrelevant clicks, as your ad might show search terms that aren't directly related to your product.

Phrase Match can be a valuable strategy for increasing ad visibility and discovering new, relevant keywords. It requires careful campaign performance monitoring to identify which search terms drive conversions and which might be better as negative keywords.

Broad Match Keywords

Broad Match is the most inclusive match type. When you use Broad Match, your ad can appear for any search term that includes any or all words in your keyword in any order, related searches, synonyms, and other relevant variants.

This can significantly increase your ad visibility, as your ad can appear for a wide range of search terms. However, your ad might appear for less relevant or unrelated searches, potentially leading to more irrelevant clicks and a higher ad spend.

Nevertheless, it can be a powerful strategy to discover new keywords and reach a broader audience. Consistently optimizing your keywords and using negative keywords ensures your ads reach your target shoppers and drive conversions.

2. Use Long-Tail Keywords To Boost Organic Sales

When it comes to keyword strategy, long-tail keywords are valuable yet surprisingly overlooked. These refer to specific phrases which are generally longer and more descriptive than your average keywords. They may not have the highest search volume, but they have a higher conversion potential, making them a goldmine for sellers who want to enhance their PPC strategy.

Long-tail keywords usually contain three or more words, making them highly specific. This level of specificity means that although fewer users are likely to search for these phrases, those who do are more likely to convert. 

They know exactly what they're looking for, and if your product matches their search, they're more likely to purchase. This specificity is particularly valuable when targeting voice searches, which tend to use more natural and detailed language.

To effectively leverage long-tail keywords in your campaigns, you need to incorporate them in all possible areas:

  • Your sponsored product ad copy

  • Headline search ads

  • Product descriptions

It's normal to see fewer impressions due to the lower search volume, but the impact on your organic sales and overall advertising costs can be significant.

3. Test Negative Keywords To Refine Your Ad Campaigns

You're probably thinking: "Don't negative keywords seem intuitive?" but it's quite the opposite. Negative keywords are crucial in refining your PPC campaigns. These are the terms which you don't want triggering your ads.

Why should it matter? Imagine this: you sell high-end, luxury watches, but your ad shows up for searches for 'cheap watches' instead. Not only is this traffic unlikely to convert, but it also uses up your ad budget each time someone clicks. Adding 'cheap' as a negative keyword prevents your ads from appearing for these irrelevant and potentially costly searches.

But how do you go about identifying negative keywords? Analyze your Search Term reports. Identify the terms that aren't converting or are irrelevant to your product. Add these as negative keywords to your campaign, refining your ad's reach and helping to decrease your ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale).

4. Take Advantage Of High-Converting Keywords For Better Conversions

Not all keywords are created equal. Some might bring in lots of traffic but few conversions, while others might bring fewer visitors but more purchases. These are your high-converting keywords - the terms that consistently lead to sales.

One method you can use to find high-converting keywords is by running an Amazon auto-campaign. As Amazon's algorithm automatically targets relevant keywords, your Seller Central account will provide valuable data on which keywords drive conversions. 

Supplement this process by employing keyword research tools which provide vital keyword data, including search volume, competition level, and historical performance.

Take your strategy further by analyzing competitor product listings for targeted keywords and performing manual searches on Amazon to glean popular search terms suggested by Amazon's auto-fill feature.

With a selection of potential high-converting keywords, these should be tested within your PPC campaigns. Monitor performance, adjust bids, and continuously review your keyword performance using AI-powered advanced Amazon analytics software.

5. Understand The Impact Of Advertising Cost To Optimize Your Entire Campaign

Running Amazon PPC campaigns comes at a cost. Your ACoSis a critical metric that helps you understand the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns. It's calculated by dividing your total ad spend by the revenue generated from these ads.

A high ACoS indicates that you are spending a significant portion of your revenue on advertising, potentially eating into your profits. This suggests you need to optimize your campaigns to reduce costs, improve targeting, or refine your keyword strategy.

On the other hand, a low ACoS indicates that you are generating a high return on your ad spend, meaning your advertising efforts are profitable. This might suggest that you have room to increase your ad budget to drive even more sales and expand your market reach. 

However, it's important to analyze other metrics like profit margins and overall business goals before scaling up ad spend. Regularly monitor and analyze your ACoS so you can make informed decisions about your Amazon PPC strategy. Adjust bids, refine keyword targeting, and optimize ad campaigns based on ACoS data. This will improve spending efficiency and profitability.

6. Segment Ad Groups To Reduce Wasted Ad Spend

Ad group segmentation is a sophisticated strategy to enhance your Amazon PPC campaigns. It's all about organizing. Locally grouping your products allows you to create more targeted ad groups within your campaigns.

Consider this – you sell a variety of kitchen appliances. It would be beneficial to segment your ad groups by appliance type – one for blenders, another for microwaves, and so on. 

This way, you can create highly relevant ads and select keywords specific to each category. It allows for a more strategic ad spend allocation, likely improving your conversion rates and reducing wasted ad spend.

Moreover, segmenting your ad groups lets you better track the performance of different product categories, making it easier to adjust your PPC strategy based on what's working and what's not. This granular level of control is an integral part of an advanced Amazon PPC strategy, helping to drive efficient and effective campaigns.

Remember, the more granular your campaigns, the better you can tailor your ads to specific search queries, potentially boosting your ROI and achieving e-commerce success.

7. Try Dynamic Bidding For More Efficient Budget Management

Dynamic bids are a step beyond fixed bids in Amazon PPC campaigns. Dynamic bidding allows Amazon's algorithms to adjust your bids in real time, depending on conversion likelihood.

Amazon automatically increases your bid for opportunities the algorithm deems highly likely to convert into a sale. Likewise, they will decrease the bid for those that seem less likely. These automatic adjustments will allow you to manage your ad budget more efficiently and ensure you're not overpaying for less promising ad placements.

Dynamic bidding comes in two flavors: 'down only' and 'up and down'. 'Down only' reduces your bid for clicks that seem less likely to convert into a sale, while 'up and down' adjusts the bid depending on the likelihood of a sale. More on this below:

Dynamic Bidding (Down Only)

This strategy is most beneficial if you're working on a tight budget and want to ensure the ad spend in your Amazon PPC campaign is directed towards the most likely opportunities for conversion. However, you need to have a detailed and comprehensive understanding of your campaign performance metrics to establish which ad placements or search terms are not performing well.

'Down Only' dynamic bidding can enhance your PPC campaign's efficiency. However, it requires regular monitoring and adjustments based on performance data to ensure it remains effective.

Dynamic Bidding (Up And Down)

The Up and Down strategy is valuable if you want to maximize your sales opportunities fully. If your budget allows, increasing bids for clicks more likely to convert could significantly boost your sales and revenue.

However, implement this advanced Amazon PPC strategy only if you fully understand your margins and clearly understand the acceptable cost per conversion for your business. You'll also need to continually review your campaign performance data and adjust your bidding strategy to ensure it remains profitable.

8. Optimize PPC Campaigns With A/B Testing For Profitable Campaigns

A/B or split testing is a systematic approach to optimizing your PPC campaigns by understanding what works best for your target audience. You'll need two variants of your ad – version A and version B – each with a slight variation in elements such as ad headlines, product descriptions, images, or targeted keywords.

Let's break down how you can use A/B testing with some of your key components:

Ad Headlines

A compelling headline can significantly impact your ad's click-through rate. Testing different headlines can give you insights into what type of language or information your target audience finds most compelling.

Product Descriptions

The information and sales language you use in your product description can also significantly impact conversion rates. Testing different descriptions can provide insights into what kind of product details or selling points resonate most with your audience.


Images play a crucial role in online shopping experiences. Testing different photos can help you understand what visual content best captures attention and entices customers to click on your ad.

Targeted Keywords

A/B testing can also be beneficial for optimizing your keyword targeting strategy. You can gather valuable data about which keywords drive the most conversions by running identical ads with different targeted keywords in a Manual Campaign.

The key to A/B testing is to change one variable at a time. If you alter multiple elements simultaneously, it becomes challenging to attribute performance differences to a specific change.

Remember, successful A/B testing demands time and patience. Each test must run long enough to collect sufficient data for meaningful analysis. Running a test for at least two weeks is typically recommended, but the exact timeframe will depend on your campaign's size and the traffic it receives.

If you find managing all aspects of your Amazon PPC campaigns difficult, consider investing in automation software. Amazon PPC automation software helps streamline various PPC tasks. Invest in software with machine learning algorithms that can analyze performance data and provide recommendations to optimize your advertising campaigns.

9. Utilize Sponsored Brand Ads To Showcase Your Story

Unlike Sponsored Product Ads, which focus on promoting a single product, Sponsored Brand ads take your advertising campaigns up a notch. Using them allows you to showcase a selection of your product line and present your brand's story and its unique selling proposition (USP).

What makes Sponsored Brand ads particularly potent is their prime ad placement. They typically appear at the top of Amazon's search results, making them one of the first things a potential customer sees when they enter a search query related to your products. This prime positioning is known to drive more ad impressions, clicks, and, ultimately, conversions.

For example, if you're selling organic skin care products, your product line might include face washes, toners, moisturizers, serums, etc. All of these are created from sustainably-sourced, all-natural ingredients.

To highlight your brand story and range of products, you use Sponsored Brand ads with headlines that read "Experience the Power of Nature with 100% Sustainably-Sourced Skin Care Products''. Your ad showcases three best-selling products, offering customers a quick look at what you have to offer.

Somewhere in your Sponsored Brand ad, you include professional images showcasing your products. When customers click on your ad, they're brought to a custom landing page, allowing them to explore your offerings further and even directly make a purchase.

This example showcases an advanced Amazon PPC strategy that allows you to showcase your brand and products and drive more targeted traffic. Sponsored Brand ads are a good leverage for boosting visibility and increasing the potential for sales.

10. Utilize Sponsored Display Ads To Broaden Your Reach

Another tool in Amazon advertising is Sponsored Display ads. Instead of relying too much on keywords, Sponsored Display ads use product targeting, allowing you to target shoppers who viewed specific products/categories. This can offer you a different approach for reaching potential customers.

Sponsored Display ads can appear on product detail pages, customer reviews, results from search engines, and even outside of Amazon, on third-party websites and apps. You can reel in customers who showed interest in similar products or categories by trying this ad type.

11. Organize Your Amazon PPC Campaign Structure For Better Ad Management

Establishing a structured Amazon PPC campaign is crucial to optimize performance. It's not just about launching ads; is also about designing a strategic framework that aligns with your product catalogue and mirrors your business goals.

For example, you run an online store selling home gym equipment and accessories. Here's how you can structure your Amazon PPC campaigns:

Step 1: Campaign Creation

Create separate campaigns for each major category of your product catalogue. For instance, you could have three primary campaigns: 'Free Weights,' 'Yoga Mats,' and 'Resistance Bands.'

Step 2: Create Ad Groups

Establish different ad groups within each campaign based on specific product types or models. In the 'Free Weights' campaign, you could have ad groups like 'Dumbbells,' 'Kettlebells,' and 'Barbells.' Similarly, in the 'Yoga Mats' campaign, you could segment ad groups by material (e.g., 'Cork Yoga Mats,' 'Rubber Yoga Mats') or by customer type (e.g., 'Beginner Yoga Mats,' 'Professional Yoga Mats').

Step 3: Perform Product Research And Assign Keywords

Assign specific products to each ad group and their respective keywords. For instance, within the 'Dumbbells' ad group, you might have products like '5-pound Dumbbell Set,' '10-pound Dumbbell Set,' etc. Each product would then be assigned relevant keywords, such as '5-pound dumbbells,' 'dumbbell set for home gym,' and so on.\=

Step 4: Optimize, Optimize, Optimize

Monitor the performance of your campaigns, ad groups, and individual products regularly. Use the performance data to optimize your campaigns: adjust bids for top-performing keywords, add negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic, and experiment with different keyword match types to maximize reach and conversions.

This way, you create a clear hierarchy in your Amazon PPC campaigns that closely mirrors your product catalogue, allowing for efficient management, easy performance tracking, and more targeted ad placement.

12. Master Ad Placement To Increase Performance

Ad placement refers to where on the page your ad appears. Top placements, like at the top of the first page of search results, are often the most coveted due to their high visibility. However, they're also the most competitive and costly.

By understanding your product's competitive landscape and campaign objectives, you can make strategic decisions about ad placement. If visibility is your goal, aiming for top placements may be worth the higher bid. Lower placements might offer a better return on ad spend if cost efficiency is a priority.

Remember, mastering ad placement involves understanding how different placements impact your ad performance and adjusting your bidding strategy accordingly. The goal is to find the sweet spot where ad visibility and cost efficiency meet.

13. Look Into Search Rank Influence To Boost Visibility

Amazon PPC can have a significant impact on your products' search rank. Ads can help boost your product's visibility, increasing sales and improving your organic ranking.

Your search rank can also influence your PPC strategy. 

Products that already rank high organically for certain keywords might need less PPC support for those terms, allowing you to allocate more of your budget to boosting visibility for other products or keywords.

But remember, maintaining a high search rank requires consistently meeting customer expectations through high-quality products, effective listings, and excellent customer service. PPC campaigns can support these efforts, but they can't replace them.

Conclusion About Advanced Amazon PPC Strategies

Advanced Amazon PPC allows you to thrive in the cutthroat landscape that is the Amazon marketplace. Leveraging these techniques gives you more opportunities for increased visibility, clicks, and, ultimately, conversions.

Ready to supercharge your Amazon PPC campaigns? Try out Scale Insights. Using proprietary 'Scale-Matic' technology, it's arguably the most advanced analytics software for Amazon sellers. Control every aspect of your ad campaigns down to the granular detail and revolutionize your PPC management like never before.

Adding Scale Insights into your toolkit offers unparalleled advantages. Our cutting-edge 'Scale-Matic' technology empowers you to dive deep into data analytics, uncovering insights that traditional tools simply can't. With it, you'll have the ability to make informed decisions quickly, optimizing your ads for the highest returns. Plus, Scale Insights streamlines your workflow, automating tedious tasks and freeing up more time for strategy and growth. Don't let complex campaign management hold you back. Embrace the future of Amazon PPC with Scale Insights.

Try out a free 30-day demo. No credit card is required. Paid plans start at $78 and can be customizable for up to 2000 automated ASINs

Frequently Asked Questions About Advanced Amazon PPC Strategies

Is Amazon PPC Digital Marketing?

Yes, Amazon PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is a form of digital marketing specifically tailored for advertising products on the Amazon platform. It involves running paid ads to promote products and increase their visibility within Amazon's search results.

What Is An Auto Campaign?

An Auto Campaign in Amazon PPC is an advertising campaign where Amazon's algorithm automatically targets relevant keywords and search terms based on the product listing. It allows Amazon to optimize ad targeting and keyword selection on the seller's behalf.

What Makes A Successful Amazon PPC Campaign?

A successful Amazon PPC campaign relies on several factors, including well-researched and relevant keywords, compelling ad creatives, optimized bids, and continuous monitoring and optimization based on performance data. Effective campaign structure, strategic targeting, and alignment with business goals are also crucial for success.

Why Is PPC Strategy Crucial?

PPC strategy is crucial because it allows sellers to reach their target audience effectively, drive targeted traffic to their product listings, and increase sales. A well-executed PPC strategy helps optimize ad spend, improve ad visibility, and boost overall campaign performance.

When Is The Best Time To Run Ads On Amazon?

The best time to run ads on Amazon varies depending on the product, target audience, and market trends. However, it is generally recommended to align ad campaigns with peak shopping periods such as holidays, seasonal promotions, or when demand for your product is high.

How Can I Become An Amazon PPC Expert?

To become an Amazon PPC expert, dedicate time to understand the platform, study industry best practices, and continuously learn from campaign data. Stay updated with the latest trends, experiment with different strategies, and leverage tools and resources available for Amazon PPC management.

Is Amazon PPC Beginner Friendly?

Yes, Amazon PPC can be beginner-friendly as it provides automated campaigns like Auto Campaigns, making it easier for beginners to start advertising. However, learning about keyword research, bid management, campaign optimization, and monitoring performance is crucial to maximizing success.

Can A Beginner Use Advanced Amazon PPC Strategies?

While beginners may not have the same level of experience as advanced sellers, they can certainly benefit from advanced Amazon PPC strategies. By gradually expanding their knowledge and implementing advanced techniques, beginners can improve campaign performance, increase sales, and grow their business on the platform.