ACoS Vs RoAS: Which Should You Look Out For?

  • #Scale Insights Team

The Amazon platform plays a crucial role in every  seller's success. Advanced strategies and constant monitoring for advertising are becoming increasingly necessary to carve out a niche in the market and drive higher ROI.

Two of the most important metrics for Amazon sellers are the Advertising Cost of Sales (ACoS) and Return on Advertising Spend (RoAS). But sellers might often wonder, between ACoS and RoAS, which is the right indicator that the business' ad campaigns are turning a profit? By understanding and optimizing these figures, you can take control of your ad spend, increase your profit margins, and improve your overall business performance.


Track Your Spending With Advertising Cost Of Sale

Amazon ACoS, is a performance metric that measures the efficiency of your PPC ad campaign. Essentially, ACoS is the ratio of ad spend to targeted sales. It's calculated by dividing the total ad spend by the total sales generated from those ads, then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage.

Pros And Cons Of Using ACoS As A Performance Metric

ACoS can offer valuable insights into your PPC ads' effectiveness, providing a snapshot of how much you're spending on advertising relative to the revenue it's generating. A lower ACoS typically means your campaign is more efficient, as you're spending less to achieve each sale.

However, the limitation of ACoS lies in its narrow focus. It doesn't account for profit margins, so a low ACoS doesn't always mean high profitability. It's possible to have a low ACoS but low or negative profit margins if your product profit margin is low.

How To Interpret ACoS Data For Campaign Optimization

Interpreting ACoS  data is crucial to optimize  your Amazon advertising campaigns. ACoS represents the percentage of attributed sales that your ad spend generated. A lower AC0S is generally preferred as it indicates a higher return on investment from your advertising efforts. Here's how you can interpret ACoS data for campaign optimization:

Benchmarking Against Industry Averages

Research industry benchmarks for your product category to gauge how your ACoS compares with competitors. This will help you understand if your campaigns are performing above or below the average and identify areas for improvement.

Analyzing Keyword Performance

Break down ACoS data to identify high-performing and low-performing keywords at the keyword level. Focus on increasing bids and budget allocation for keywords with lower ACoS and high conversion rates while considering whether to pause or refine keywords with poor ACoS.

Scale Insights’ rule-based features can help you analyze, automate and scale your campaigns with confidence as e-commerce is hugely a numbers game. You need to be able to collect your data and organize it properly to gain insights and valuable trends that will help your business reach the next level.

Comparing ACoS Across Campaigns

If you run multiple campaigns (Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display), compare the ACoS to identify which campaign type generates the best numbers. This analysis will help you reallocate budgets to the most effective campaigns.

Tracking ACoS Over Time

Monitor ACoS trends (daily, weekly, monthly) to identify seasonality or performance fluctuations. You can see trends on when engagements are higher or lower and you can adjust your campaigns accordingly.

You can also check which months your products sell more, and how different seasons and holidays affect your sales. This information can help you optimize bids and budgets accordingly.

ACoS should not be viewed in isolation. Consider it with other key metrics like click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and total sales to get a holistic view of your campaign performance.

Unraveling Return On Advertising Spend

RoAS is another valuable metric that gauges the effectiveness of ad campaigns. Unlike ACoS, RoAS considers the gross revenue generated from the campaign. RoAS is calculated by dividing the revenue derived from ad sources by the cost of those ads.

Advantages And Limitations Of Using RoAS In Amazon Campaigns

RoAS can provide a more comprehensive view of your advertising efficiency, tying ad spending directly to ad revenue. A higher RoAS indicates that for every dollar spent on advertising, you're generating more sales.

However, like ACoS, RoAS doesn't provide a complete picture of profitability as it does not consider the product profit margin or other costs associated with selling on Amazon. Hence, a high RoAS does not necessarily mean high profits.

Leveraging RoAS To Gauge Campaign Success And Profitability

To make the most of RoAS, it should be analyzed in conjunction with other metrics such as gross profit margin and organic sales.

For instance, if you're generating a significant return on ad spend, but your organic sales are low, it might indicate that you're overly dependent on paid advertising for your sales.

Balancing RoAS With Other Business Objectives For Long-Term Growth

Achieving a high RoAS should not be your sole focus. You should also consider long-term business objectives such as building brand awareness and growing organic sales. Balancing RoAS with other business objectives is crucial for achieving long-term growth and overall success in your Amazon advertising efforts.

While RoAS is a valuable metric for measuring the immediate profitability of your ad campaigns, it's essential to consider other factors that contribute to sustainable growth and brand development. Here are some key points to consider:

Beyond Immediate Profitability

While optimizing for high RoAS can be beneficial in the short term, it may not always align with broader business objectives. Sometimes, investing in lower RoAS campaigns can contribute to building brand awareness, customer loyalty, and market share, ultimately leading to higher returns in the long run.

Lifetime Value Of Customers (LTV)

Focus on understanding and maximizing the lifetime value of your customers. Some campaigns may have a lower immediate RoAS, but if they attract loyal customers who make repeat purchases over time, the overall LTV can be significantly higher.

Branding And Awareness

Allocate a portion of your advertising budget to campaigns that focus on brand exposure and awareness. These campaigns may not yield immediate conversions, but they play a vital role in building brand recognition and trust, which can lead to increased sales in the future.

Product Launches And New Markets

When launching a new product or entering a new market, a higher ad spend with a potentially lower RoAS might be necessary to gain visibility and establish a foothold. Consider this as an investment in future growth.

Long-Term Customer Relationships

Prioritize building strong, long-term relationships with customers. Offer exceptional customer service, engage with customers through feedback and reviews, and use retargeting strategies to nurture leads and turn them into loyal buyers.

The Relationship Between ACoS And RoAS

Amazon sellers frequently encounter two critical metrics in their ad campaigns: ACoS and RoAS . Understanding the relationship between these concepts is vital for optimizing advertising costs, maximizing ad revenue, and making the most of PPC campaigns.

Scenarios Where Low ACoS May Not Necessarily Mean High RoAS, And Vice Versa

In Amazon advertising, it's essential to recognize that a low ACoS does not always translate to a high RoAS , and vice versa. Let's explore each possible scenario in more detail:

Low ACoS, Low RoAS

This scenario might occur when your advertising costs are relatively low compared to your sales, resulting in a low ACoS. However, the low RoAS indicates that the revenue generated from the advertising spend is not substantial.

Possible reasons for this could include:

  • Low-profit margins: Even though the ACoS is low, the profit margins on the products being sold might also be low, resulting in a low RoAS.

  • Low-priced products: If you are advertising low-priced products, the revenue generated per sale might not justify the ad spend, leading to a low RoAS.

Low ACoS, High RoAS

This scenario occurs when your advertising costs are relatively low, but the revenue generated from the ad spend is substantial, leading to a high RoAS.

Possible reasons for this could include:

  • High-profit margins: The products you are advertising have high-profit margins, allowing you to maintain a low ACoS while still generating significant revenue.

  • High-priced products: If you are advertising high-priced products, even a few conversions can result in substantial revenue, leading to a high RoAS.

High ACoS, Low RoAS

In this scenario, your advertising costs are high compared to the sales generated, leading to a high ACoS and a low RoAS.

Possible reasons for this could include:

Inefficient targeting: Your ads may be reaching the wrong audience, resulting in low conversion rates and low revenue despite the high ad spend.

  • Low-converting keywords: Certain keywords or search terms may have high click costs but fail to convert effectively, leading to a high ACoS and low RoAS.

High ACoS, High RoAS

This scenario might seem counterintuitive, but it can occur when your advertising costs are high, but the revenue generated from the ad spend is also substantial, resulting in a high RoAS.

Possible reasons for this could include:

  • High-priced products with high margins: If you are advertising expensive products with significant profit margins, the high revenue per sale can offset the high advertising costs, leading to a high RoAS.

Analyzing The Impact Of Pricing, Margins, And Product Lifecycle On ACoS And RoAS

The pricing strategy of products plays a pivotal role in both ACoS and RoAS. Products with thin profit margins may lead to a situation where even a relatively low ACoS can negatively impact RoAS. Similarly, the product life cycle can affect these metrics.

New products may initially require more advertising, impacting both ACoS and RoAS. These dynamics are crucial for Amazon sellers looking to efficiently balance ACoS, product profit margin, and RoAS.

Introducing TACoS

Total Advertising Cost of Sales (TACoS) is another vital metric for Amazon sellers. It encompasses both the ACoS  and organic sales, providing a more holistic view of a product's overall performance.

What Is TACoS

TACoS combines ACoS with the total revenue, including organic sales. It offers insights into how spending on PPC ads and ad campaigns affects the entire business, not just the advertised products.

Navigating ACoS, TACoS, Or RoAS

TACoS allows sellers to see the bigger picture. By navigating between ACoS, TACoS, and RoAS, sellers can align their advertising strategies more closely with overall business goals, profit margins, and market trends.

It helps fine-tune PPC campaigns to balance ad spend, advertising cost, and profit margin.

Advanced Reporting And Analysis

Now that you’re well versed in ACoS and RoAS, and even on TACoS, you should now focus your attention on reporting and Analysis. Remember, the correct handling of data and analyzing trends will help you make better data-driven decisions to improve your business. 

Utilizing Amazon Advertising API And Third-Party Analytics Tools For In-Depth Insights

Businesses are leveraging the power of Amazon Advertising API in conjunction with third-party analytics tools to gain profound insights into their advertising campaigns. This combination enables them to delve deeper into performance data, unlocking valuable information that drives strategic decision-making and optimization. 

While native Amazon tools are serviceable, you will find that there are lots of third-party tools that have so many innovative features.

  • Accessing granular data to understand advertising costs, PPC campaigns performance, and RoAS.

  • Integrating with external tools for cross-channel insights.

  • Scale Insights is an excellent tool  you can use to analyze, automate and scale your Amazon PPC campaigns with confidence.

Measuring The Impact Of External Factors On Advertising Performance

Assessing advertising performance isn't just about internal metrics; it also involves understanding how external factors influence outcomes. With the right reporting and analysis, businesses can effectively measure the impact of external variables on their advertising efforts such as:

  • Analyzing how seasonal trends influence ACoS and RoAS.

  • Evaluating the impact of promotions and discounts on advertising costs and ad revenue.

  • Stay informed about economic fluctuations and tailor advertising messaging to meet changing consumer behaviors.

  • Leverage major events and industry happenings to increase brand visibility and engagement by adjusting campaign timing and messaging.

  • Evaluate the impact of collaborative efforts with influencers, partners, or affiliates on brand visibility and sales performance.

Identifying Trends And Patterns To Fine-Tune Advertising Strategies

Staying ahead in the competitive world of online advertising requires a keen eye for emerging trends and patterns. Identifying these trends will enable businesses to refine and adapt their advertising strategies for maximum effectiveness in reaching their target audience.

  • Monitoring changes in ACoS on Amazon, RoAS, and profit margins to predict trends.

  • Adjusting PPC ads and ad campaigns to leverage emerging opportunities or mitigate challenges.

Understanding and leveraging the relationship between ACoS, RoAS, and TACoS, combined with advanced reporting and analysis, can lead to more effective strategies, higher ad revenue, and improved profit margins for sellers.

It requires a nuanced understanding of various factors like product pricing, profit margins, ad spending, and the specific nature of PPC campaigns. These insights form a powerful toolset for navigating the complex and competitive Amazon marketplace when wielded adeptly.

Conclusion On ACoS vs RoAS

The Amazon advertising landscape is characterized by intricate mechanisms that can baffle even experienced sellers and marketers. At the core of these mechanisms are Amazon ACoS and RoAS , two essential metrics that guide decision-making in PPC campaigns.

The Amazon platform continues to evolve, and with it, the importance of understanding the nuances of ACoS and RoAS grows. It is not just about understanding the advertising cost or focusing on ad spend. It's about integrating a comprehensive approach that aligns PPC campaigns, ad revenue, organic sales, and profit margins.

Monitor your Amazon campaigns like never before with Scale Insightspowerful, rule-based Amazon PPC software. Skyrocket your profits with our 30-day free trial, no credit-card  required. 

Contact us today and take better control of your campaigns.

Frequently Asked Questions About ACoS Vs RoAS

Can I Focus Only On ACoS And Ignore RoAS? 

No, both metrics are crucial and offer different insights. ACoS helps with advertising costs, while RoAS provides a broader view of ad revenue.

What's The Relationship Between ACoS And Product Profit Margin? 

ACoS directly impacts product profit margin, as it helps determine the cost-effectiveness of your advertising campaigns.

Can ACoS And RoAS Be Tracked In Real Time? 

Yes, with the right tools, both metrics can be tracked in real-time to quickly adjust your campaigns.

Does RoAS Include Organic Sales? 

No, RoAS only considers ad-driven sales.