What Is Amazon PPC Dayparting? A Guide For Marketers 2023

  • #Scale Insights Team
Amazon PPC Dayparting

Amazon PPC Dayparting is a strategic approach where Amazon advertisers schedule their ads to run during specific hours or days of the week. This technique analyzes periods when potential customers are most likely to see and interact with their ads, ultimately leading to more conversions and sales.

Importance Of Dayparting In Advanced Amazon Marketing Strategies

In advanced Amazon marketing strategies, dayparting plays a critical role. It enables advertisers to optimize their ad spend by targeting their ads during peak shopping hours when potential customers are most likely to be active allowing for the highest conversion possible.

This strategy helps maximize the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and get the most out of an ad budget.

Understanding Amazon PPC Dayparting


Dayparting, within the realm of Amazon advertising, is a way for advertisers to control when their ads are displayed. Advertisers can set their ads to run during specific hours or days of the week based on their analysis of when their target audience is most active.

This may involve strategically scheduling ad campaigns around peak shopping times, such as during lightning deals or periods known for high customer activity, like weekends or holidays. Different people are active during different parts of the day, and products sell easily by advertising correctly to the target.

How Dayparting Helps Target Peak Shopping Times

Dayparting can help advertisers to target customers during peak shopping times effectively. By analyzing historical sales data and trends and considering external factors like holidays or special events, advertisers can predict when potential customers are most likely to be shopping. They can then schedule their ads to appear during these times, thus increasing the likelihood of ad visibility and interaction.

The Impact Of Time-Based Ad Scheduling On Ad Performance

Time-based ad scheduling can have a significant impact on ad performance. Ads shown at certain times when potential customers are most active tend to have higher click-through rates (CTR) and conversions. It also reduces wasted ad spend when fewer customers are online, ensuring your ad budget is used more efficiently with less competition.

Benefits Of Amazon PPC Dayparting

Amazon PPC dayparting can lead to improved ad relevance. By showing ads at times when your target audience is active, you increase the chances of your ads being seen and clicked on. This targeted approach often results in higher click-through rates, as your ads are more likely to resonate with customers ready to purchase.

Enhanced Conversion Rates And Sales

A well-executed dayparting strategy can significantly enhance conversion rates and boost sales. When ads are displayed at peak shopping times, potential customers are more likely to be in the purchasing mindset, leading to higher conversion rates.

Cost Optimization And Budget Allocation

By strategically optimizing campaigns and allocating ad spending to high-performance hours and days, advertisers can optimize their costs and get better returns on their ad spending. This ensures that your advertising budget is used most effectively, maximizing ROI.

Implementing Amazon PPC Dayparting

Setting up dayparting campaigns involves scheduling your Amazon ads for specific periods based on your analysis. During high-traffic times, increase your ad spending to maximize visibility. During slower times, decrease ad spending to conserve your budget.

Setting up Amazon PPC dayparting campaigns involves several key steps. 

Step 1: Understand Your Target Audience

The first step to setting up a successful dayparting campaign is understanding your target audience's shopping habits. This involves identifying the times and days when they are most active and likely to make purchases.

Step 2: Analyze Your Data

Analyze your existing campaign data to determine when you receive the most traffic and when the conversion rates are highest. This can be done using Amazon's campaign reports or external tools like Scale Insights. This will give you an idea of which times and days to target with your dayparting campaign.

Step 3: Set Up Your Campaigns

Now you're ready to set up your campaigns. This can be done manually or using automated Amazon advertising tools. If doing it manually, you'll need to create separate campaigns or ad groups for different times and days based on the data you've analyzed. Each campaign should be set to run during the specific period you're targeting.

If you’d like to set up a campaign with little to no hassle, make use of Scale Insights customizable AI-driven automations. You can ad groups and monitor performance of your dayparting campaign, to glean insights like never before. Schedule up to 24 ad groups to run on specified times, and monitor which performs, and which need tweaking.

Step 4: Adjust Your Bids

In Amazon selling, "bids" refer to the amount of money a seller is willing to pay for a click on their Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertisement. These ads are typically displayed on Amazon search result pages or product detail pages. 

When you set up an ad campaign, you can set your bids for specific keywords or product targets that are relevant to the products you're selling. That is why you should always adjust your bids accordingly based on your budget and the competition level at different times. The goal is to achieve the same audience and highest visibility for the least ad spend.

While an important thing to take note of, it might be difficult to keep on track of your bids and adjust them correctly. That’s why making use of powerful tools can make a huge difference in your campaigns. 

Scale Insights employs a dynamic bidding algorithm where you can dynamically assign bidding rules and target ACOS based on keyword performance. You can set multiple rules based on multiple criteria, and not have to micromanage your bidding adjustments all the time.

Step 5: Monitor Your Campaigns

Once your dayparting campaigns are live, monitoring them closely is important. Keep an eye on key metrics like click-through rate, conversion rate (CVR), and ROAS.

Step 6: Refine And Optimize Your Campaigns

Use the data collected from monitoring your campaigns to refine and optimize them. This may involve adjusting your bids, changing the times and days you're targeting, or tweaking the ads. Dayparting is not a "set it and forget it" strategy. Regular refinement and optimization based on current data are key to its success.

Step 7: Scale Up

Once you have a dayparting strategy that works well for your business, consider scaling it up. This may involve creating more campaigns, increasing your ad spend, or using automated tools to manage your campaigns more efficiently.

Step 8: Implement Bidding Strategies For Different Time Slots And Customized Campaigns For Peak Hours

Your CPC bid during a high-traffic hour may need to be higher than during slower hours. During rush hours, competition is stiffer, and a higher bid can help your product stand out.

Consider creating customized campaigns for peak hours. For example, if your data shows a surge in traffic during Lightning Deals, you can create a specific campaign to capitalize on this increased visibility.

Optimizing Amazon PPC Dayparting

Optimization is an ongoing process that ensures your dayparting strategy stays effective over time.

Conducting A/B Tests For Time-Based Ad Variations

A/B testing can help you identify the most effective ad variations for different time slots. You can pinpoint what works best by testing different ads at different times and refining your strategy accordingly.

Continuous Monitoring And Performance Evaluation

Monitor your campaigns continuously and evaluate their performance regularly. Look at impressions, clicks, and sales metrics to gauge whether your dayparting strategy is working.

Adapting Strategies Based On Seasonal Changes

Consumer behavior can vary with seasons, holidays, and events. Be prepared to adapt your dayparting strategies based on these changes. For example, during the holiday season, you might experience a shift in peak shopping times.

Aligning Dayparting With Other Advertising Strategies

Ensuring it aligns with your overall advertising strategy when implementing dayparting is crucial. For example, if you're running Lightning Deals, you might want to increase your ad spend during those times to capitalize on increased traffic. Additionally, consider aligning your dayparting strategy with your targeted customer's lifestyle and shopping habits.

Utilizing Dayparting For Various Product Categories

Different product categories may perform better at different times. For instance, work-related products may see higher conversion rates during weekdays, while leisure products may perform better during weekends. Analyzing your product performance data can provide insights into the best times to schedule ad campaigns for different product categories.

Incorporating Dayparting In Long-term Campaign Planning

Amazon PPC dayparting should not be viewed as a standalone strategy but as part of your long-term campaign planning. For example, adjusting your ad budget allocation based on dayparting can help you better control your ad spend, reduce CPC bid rush, and increase the efficiency of your ad campaigns.

Identifying Time Zones And Geographical Considerations

Consider your audience's geographical locations and time zones. These factors can significantly impact your ad campaign's effectiveness as shoppers' activity varies throughout the day and across different time zones. A product may sell better during the daytime in one region and the nighttime in another. Identifying these patterns will help you determine when to increase or decrease your ad spend.

Studying Historical Sales Data And Traffic Patterns

Studying historical sales data and traffic patterns can help you identify peak times for your ad campaigns. Understand which days of the week and times of the day yield the highest sales and traffic. These insights and sales history can guide your Amazon dayparting strategy, allowing you to allocate your ad budget most effectively.

Leveraging Amazon Analytics And Reporting Tools

Amazon analytics and reporting tools can offer crucial insights into your customers' shopping habits. Utilize these tools to delve deep into your customer behavior data. You can refine your dayparting strategy by analyzing click-through rates (CTRs), conversion rates, and sales during different times.

Scale Insights provides tools with customizable rule-based automations that can help monitor and group keywords. This way you can see the hourly performance of your campaigns and take control like never before.

Strategies To Scale Dayparting For Larger Campaigns

Scaling dayparting for larger campaigns requires a thoughtful and strategic approach to effectively manage increased complexity and volume. As your advertising efforts expand, consider the following strategies to successfully scale dayparting for larger campaigns:

  1. Data-Driven Analysis: With larger campaigns, data becomes even more crucial. Invest in robust analytics tools to gather and analyze performance metrics at a granular level. Identify peak hours and high-converting time slots to focus your dayparting efforts on the most profitable periods.

  2. Segment Your Campaigns: Instead of applying a blanket dayparting approach to the entire campaign, segment your ads based on different product categories, audience segments, or geographical locations. Tailoring dayparting schedules for specific segments can lead to more targeted and optimized advertising.

  3. Utilize Automated Tools: Manual dayparting becomes impractical when dealing with large-scale campaigns. Leverage automation tools that enable you to set up and manage dayparting schedules efficiently. These tools can automatically adjust bids and ad schedules based on real-time data.

  4. Gradual Expansion: Scaling dayparting doesn't have to happen all at once. Start with a smaller subset of your campaign and gradually expand to other segments as you gather insights and optimize performance. This approach helps minimize risks and ensures a smooth transition.

  5. Monitor Budget Allocation: As campaigns grow in size, budget management becomes more critical. Allocate your budget strategically across various time slots, focusing on the periods that yield the best results. Continuously monitor spending and adjust as needed to maintain efficiency.

When scaling for larger campaigns, you are going to need more powerful, intuitive tools to help you make sense of the deluge of data coming your way. 

Tools like Scale Insights make use of customizable algorithms and AI automation so you won’t ever need to worry about taking on too much if you plan on going big. The dayparting campaign has room for up to 24 ad groups making hourly insights possible, so you know exactly how your campaigns are performing.

Conclusion On Amazon Dayparting

Amazon PPC dayparting allows sellers to optimize their ad spend, aligning their ad campaigns with consumer behavior. It offers granular control over when ads are shown, providing opportunities for increased visibility and sales.

Anyone who plans on selling on Amazon is encouraged to integrate dayparting into their Amazon advertising strategy, considering product categories, customer shopping habits, and market trends. Remember, a successful dayparting strategy requires regular monitoring and adjusting to stay ahead of the ever-changing e-commerce landscape.

Maximize your Amazon PPC campaigns with Scale Insights' rule-based PPC software. Experience the difference with a 30-day free trial no credit card required!

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Frequently Asked Questions About Amazon PPC Dayparting Strategies

How Often Should I Adjust My Amazon PPC Dayparting Strategy?

There's no set rule, but leading Amazon marketing experts recommend monitoring and adjusting your strategy regularly, potentially weekly, to keep up with evolving market trends and consumer behavior.

Can Dayparting Be Used For All Types Of Amazon Ads?

Dayparting can be applied to any Amazon ad campaign, including Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Product Display Ads.

Does Dayparting Work In All Amazon Marketplaces?

Yes, Amazon PPC dayparting can be applied in all Amazon marketplaces. However, the effectiveness can vary depending on the consumer behavior in each marketplace.

Should I Run Amazon Ads All Day Or Use Dayparting?

The choice between running Amazon ads all day or using dayparting largely depends on your specific goals, budget, and the behavior of your target audience. Running ads all day can maximize visibility but may lead to higher costs. Dayparting, or scheduling ads for specific times, can be more cost-efficient if you know when your target customers are most active.